Saturday, May 23, 2020
Civil Reconstruction And Its Impact On The Civil War
During the early 1900’s, slavery had already been abolished. African-Americans were freed and could earn a decent life for themselves; this did not mean they would live a peaceful life. After slavery ended, Reconstruction was introduced to bring the former Confederate states back into the union . As reconstruction was getting started, Radical Republicans of the North passed the Military Reconstruction Acts of 1867 for revenge on the southerners, which divided the south into five military districts and charted how the new government would operate . As this Military Reconstruction was taking effect across the South, African-Americans were able to vote, hold political offices, become judges, sheriffs and police officers, basically gaining multiple positions associated with power. This sudden transition of being lower than someone who was previously a slave did not please the Southerners and their Democratic ways of life. As the African-Americans were gaining to positions powerful enough to alter the way of life citizens. white supremacy gained rise and the ear of the Ku Klux Klan was born . With the Ku Klux Klan came terror on local Republicans and African Americans trying to practice their newly given political rights. Slowly but surely, the Reconstruction era came to an end ten years later in 1877 with the complete withdrawals of Union Troops in the South. As reconstruction times came to a close, Southern white Democrats regained the powerful positions previously had by theShow MoreRelatedThe Shaping Of Our Country1092 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferent factors, each contributing to it in their own way. Four of the major pivot points that occurred consists of: Jeffersonian democracy, Jacksonian democracy, Civil War/Reconstruction, Revolution/Constitution. However one of them happened to be the most impacting which was the Civil War and Reconstruction. The American Civil War occurred during 1861 to 1865, lasting only five years. America’s bloodiest clash resulting in the death of approximately 620,000 Americans and millions more were injuredRead MoreEssay about The Reconstruction Era: The Planted Seeds1231 Words  | 5 PagesThe first roar of the Civil War ended with a last gasp for air. Where in such a war more than six hundred twenty thousand men sacrificed their lives for their own belief in the abolishment of slavery (â€Å"Civil War Facts†). â€Å"We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain. That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom†(Baslor). These wise words of Abraham Lincoln cleared the way of a desolate trail of violence and pain, yet he was determined to accomplish his plansRead MoreLincoln s Impact On The Civil War1564 Words  | 7 PagesLincoln Research Paper During the Civil War, was Abraham Lincoln the cause or the cure? Abraham Lincoln, the man that hit right path toward life while earning respect. He worked hard most of his life and at law, and as a president to keep our nation in one during the Civil War. He had the mindset to get where he needed to go. He lived a long and resentful life full of problems that he fixed. Lincoln’s early life, Lincoln enters presidency, Lincoln’s impact on the Civil War as a president, Lincoln’s EmancipationRead MoreLincoln s Impact On The Civil War1542 Words  | 7 Pageshard in law, and as a president to keep our nation in one during the Civil War. He had the mindset to get where he needed to go. He lived a long and resentful life full of problems that he fixed. Lincoln’s early life, Lincoln enters presidency, Lincoln’s impact on the Civil War as a president, Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. Lincoln’s impact of slaves after the Civil War during Reconstruction, Lincoln’s death. Lincoln, the president that held our nation togetherRead MoreThe American Civil War1418 Words  | 6 PagesGuns fired, smoke lingering in the air, people dying. The American Civil War had a huge impact on the United States. Two compromises took place before the start of the Civil War. These compromises include the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850. The Missouri Compromise dealt with the crisis in 1819 over Missouri entering the Union as a slave state. The compromise was â€Å"the first major crisis over slavery, and it shattered a tacit agreement between the two regions that had been in placeRead MoreTexas1460 Words  | 6 PagesThe political factors that tied into Texas being a Southern state before the Civil War relied heavily on who owned slaves. When the people went out to vote for who they wanted to run the state and local governments, it was generally those who owned slaves that wo n the elections. This meant that the leadership positions, and the overall ideals of the state, functioned under a â€Å"southern consensus†(230). The elected officials in Texas were all Democrats with pro-slavery positions, and these DemocratsRead MoreFederal Government During Civil War Essay1237 Words  | 5 Pagesgovernment, the founders believed, that would retard any establishment of monarchial government that the American Revolution was fought upon. However the civil war, and more specifically the Reconstruction period following it tested these principles to the core. While it may be accurate to characterize governmental struggles that defined Reconstruction as ones that were inter-branch, a more detailed and nuanced survey reveals it was borne more so out of ideologies that were incumbent within each branchRead MoreThe Reconciliation of the North and South after the Civil War1186 Words  | 5 PagesAndrew Johnson signed a Proclamation which promised order and p eace to the United States on August 20th, 1865, the Civil War was formally ended. Though the Confederates had been dominated, there was still a battle to preserve the Southern lifestyle against the impeding Northern republican ideals. President Lincoln had plans to peacefully restore the country to the Union it was prior to the war, but his assassination created set-backs to his plan. While both the North and the South were working toward reconciliationRead MoreReconstruction Of The United States1181 Words  | 5 PagesBy 1877, reconstruction had successfully restored the United States as a unified nation. Each Confederate state had thoroughly drafted state constitutions, pledged their loyalty to the United States government, and accepted the newly Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. However, reconstruction inevitably failed the South. The legislation of Radical Republicans failed to give protection to freed slaves from further persecution of whites; and it also fai led to fundamentally refabricateRead MoreThe Reconstruction Is A Revolutionary Movement Of The United States990 Words  | 4 PagesMost people believes that the South win in the period reconstruction with many different ways. The Reconstruction is a revolutionary movement of the United States. It changes aspects in history of the United States. It occurs after the American Civil War. The Reconstruction is one of the most controversial period America’s history. That is the period the South gets more benefit than the North. In my opinion, the most win of the South is that it has strengthened democracy about political, economic
Monday, May 18, 2020
Choices - 905 Words
Choices The concept of choices and their role in a character’s demise is explored in both the plays Antigone and Oedipus through the characters Creon and Oedipus. These characters are faced with many paths that they may choose and their decisions, in the end, affect everyone around them. While some may attribute these plays tragic ending to fate, the fact is each character was given choices and these choices shaped their very existence. Choices made by Creon and Oedipus are similar in the sense that their repercussions cause the downfall of themselves and those around them; but, differ in terms of the motive behind them. At first glance, it appears that Creon is totally responsible for the tragedy that befalls him and that Oedipus has†¦show more content†¦His actions are motivated by selfish reasons and he disregards all family ties focusing only on the state. Creon states, I say to you at the very outset that I have nothing but contempt for the kind of Governor who is afraid, for whatever reason, to follow the course that he knows is best for the State; and as for the man who sets private friendship above the public welfare, - I have no use for him, either†¦ No one values friendship more highly than I; but we must remember that friends made at the risk of wrecking our Ship are not real friends at all (Antigone, Scene 1 line 18-27). In this passage he overtly explains that he will under no circumstance risk the public good for that of maintaining a relationship. Creon’s stubbornness and refusal to grant mercy unto Antigone comes from his need to be in control. On the other hand, Oedipus makes his choices based on his denial of situations and in order to protect individuals he cares about. Oedipus moves away from his home in order to protect his parents and stop the prophecy from being fulfilled; in no way are his actions selfish in action or do they come from a hunger for power but more from ignorance. We can draw from the text that Oedipus makes his decision with good intentions when he says, Apollo said through his prophet that I was the man/Who should marry his own mother, shed his father’s blood/With his own hands. And so, for all these years/I haveShow MoreRelatedChoices Commercial871 Words  | 4 PagesThe Nutrigrain Choices commercial begins with a woman getting off the subway and moves to her working in her office. The screen splits and two scenarios are set forward: one where she chose to eat a Nutrigrain bar on the left and the other where she chose a donut on the right. There is a voice-over about one decision leading to another. The woman on the left is shown eating a burrito, brownie, and pasta as the commercial continues. On the right, we see her choosing a salad, a cup of fruit, and vegetablesRead MoreThe Paradox of Choice1827 Words  | 8 Pagesit better when you have more choices or when you have fewer choices? Most people would answer more choices as they would feel less limited because it is common to associate having more choices with havin g more freedom and having more freedom with having more welfare. In fact, this is not always correct as you may not have enough knowledge to know which may be the most beneficial to you in the long run. This is turn relates to what is best known as the paradox of choice because we may think we haveRead MoreThe Paradox of Choice Essay1705 Words  | 7 Pagesevery day they encounter numerous choices. The way they decide and the outcomes of their decisions define their lives. Their day to day life essentially revolves around the choices they make. As a whole, a community benefits or suffers from the outcomes of its choices. Freedom of choice is the grant to an individual or community to make its own choices out of free will and without restrictions (Pereboom,2003). This is essay will discuss that though freedom choice leads to variety in life, it doesRead MoreChoices and Consequences in â€Å"aP†749 Words  | 3 PagesChoices and Consequences In â€Å"AP†, the author John Updike demonstrates the importance of choices and their consequences. It is important that someone considers everything that could occur before making a decision. Updike uses the characters of Sammy, the three girls in bathing suits, and Lengel in the story to show how important it is to carefully contemplate the consequences of their choices. All of the main characters in the story make a choice and must endure the consequences. Sammy, the cashierRead MoreFree Will And Free Choice1122 Words  | 5 Pagesday to come. The freedom you have always known permitted the choice, your free will grants you this privilege. Or does it? Free will is a false concept often confused with free choice. Free will does not truly exist, the limitations set by nature and the influence of other people hinder the ability to choose without the impact of past experiences. As Barbara Smoker, a British Humanist activist and freethought advocate stated, â€Å"Free choice means you are not forced by other people or what is outsideRead MoreConsumer Society and Choice1317 Words  | 6 Pages 2009). As our relationship with consumerism has changed so too have the choices available of why, when, where and how we consume. The first part of this assignment will look at the characteristics of a consumer society, the choices available and identify the divisions created from unequal choices. The second part will consider the role of the Big four supermarkets (TESCO, Asda, Sainsbury and Morrison’s) in providing choice to people. The term consumer society goes beyond the mere act of shoppingRead MoreChoices In The Giver, By Lois Lowry1243 Words  | 5 PagesLife is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you. – John C. Maxwell. In the novel The Giver, Lois Lowry shows the reader how choices in life are important, and should be made by us, not for us. Lowry uses characters such as Jonas and the giver to illustrate how choices should be made by us. She uses other characters such as Jonass father to reflect how people are often blinded by the standards of society and do not realize they can actually make their own choices. With these charactersRead MoreEssay on Choices in the Epic of Gilgamesh1308 Words  | 6 PagesChoices: The Journey of Life The story of Gilgamesh expresses the idea that all of the life choices we make throughout this journey are ours and ours alone. It is through these choices that determines how we live our lives from day-to-day. It is within the beginning of this story that one is introduced to the life choices of Gilgamesh. He is the King of Uruk-a ruler full of vanity, selfishness, and materialism. His arrogance has no bounds by day or night. Every choice that he makes is basedRead MoreChoices with Regard to the Process of Consumption1657 Words  | 7 PagesConsumer choice refers to the decisions consumers make when considering the products and services they want to purchase. Presently, in this post-industrial society, many analysts believe that social strata in many parts of the world have led to the emergence of â€Å"consumer society†(Smart, B 2014). Reasons for this are because individuals are being portrayed as having a wide range of choice as they are being presented with a wide range of products and services. As Ellis at al. (2012) notes, privatizationRead MoreLife Is Made Up Of Choices1404 Words  | 6 Pagesis choices. Life is made up of choices. I believe life is just a series of decisions we make, and depending on our choice, must live with the result of that decision. The choices usually consist of a multitude of possibilities and, whether real or imagined, we must recognize that in some way the decision will change our life forever. Therein lies the rub. Because there are so many factors involved with our decision-making and with its unknown result, many of us hesitate to even make a choice, thinking
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Stylistic Characteristics Of The Blues - 880 Words
CH11 Question 1 There are several stylistic characteristics of the blues. The first one is the blue notes, which is the bent technique for lowering the pitch of third and seventh scale degrees in the major scale(259). The next one is the blue chorus, which is three-line lyrics, and it contains fill which is the instrument response of the call and response between vocal and instrument. The third feature is the blue progression which is the form of the combination between tonic(I), subdominant(IV), and dominant(V) chords. It is usually arranged as: I- / IV- I- / V- I-. Another characteristic is that the timbre of the vocals in blues have a wide varieties. Every single piece of blue music features a different kind of vocal texture. The rhythm in the blues has a characteristic called swung which means the long-short pattern of the rhythm. In all three pieces of music, the blue note and the blue chorus are applied to the composition. The bent texture of the pitch and the neat separation o f the lyrics can be easily notice in the music. The call and response in vocals and instruments, on the other hand, is not so obvious in Can t Help Lovin Dat Man, but I think, though subtle, it is still there at the end of each line. The rhythm in the Muleskinner Blues is more steady instead of the long- short patterned swung. The swung is not so obvious in Can t Help Lovin Dat Man, either. Overall, there are some standard blue style in all three pieces of music, but weShow MoreRelatedIn The Middle Of The 19Th Century, Congo Square Became1369 Words  | 6 Pagesdeveloping ragtime styles and the cultural celebratory music of Congo Square, these bands started infusing their music with blues notes, syncopated rhythms, and jazz-like phrasing to get their audiences dancing. The instrumentation of these brass bands emphasized brass instruments, polyphonic musical style with a carrying tone, sectional playing within the band; many of these characteristics translated into early jazz f orms. Though the label suggests a band comprising solely brass musicians, early LouisianaRead MoreMystical Madonna in the Pinks: A Raphael in Doubt Essay668 Words  | 3 Pagesclothed in light grayish violet, tones of yellow and blue, which is unusual in Raphaels Madonna-themed paintings. Except Madonna with the Fish (fig. 1) in which Mary dressed in blue and white, contrasting the saints with red robes, in other more than 30 Madonnas painted by Raphael such as Small Cowper Madonna (fig, 2) and Ansidei Madonna (fig.3) around the same period as Madonna in the Pinks, red dress with blue cloak, either lighter or deeper red and blue, seem to be the designated colour of her costumeRead MoreRichard Berry s Original Versions Of The 1963 Version Recorded By The Kingsmen1530 Words  | 7 PagesOriginally recorded in 1956 by Richard Berry, â€Å"Louie Louie†is best known for the 1963 version recorded by The Kingsmen. Richard Berry was a rhythm and blues singer of the 1950s whi le The Kingsmen were a 1960s garage band. The two different versions of this song are similar, however they feature differences in many areas such as style, sound, lyrics, and instrumentation. The different versions also offer different cultural significances, despite Berry being the original writer of the song The Kingsmen’sRead More Folk Tale Characteristics in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow Essays1328 Words  | 6 PagesFolk Tale Characteristics in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is one of the most well-known stories in American literature, and with good reason. Throughout his story, Washington Irving uses many stylistic ideas to create a fantastically detailed and descriptive romantic folk tale. Irving begins The Legend of Sleepy Hollow with a vivid description of the setting of his story. Beginning with the Dutch history of the area, he goes on to describeRead MoreThe Influence Of Virgin And Child Sculpted By Niclaus Weckmann1695 Words  | 7 Pagesthat were stated in the previous paragraph. Niclaus Weckmann the elder displayed the depicted Mary in a very stylistic way but yet still very ideal. The sculpture has depicted Mary as very noble, it really shows characteristics of how the typical Mary was shown as during that time. The ideal image of Madonna during this time period was a women that symbolizes purity, and wearing the color blue (it reflected calm and tranquility), with curly brown hair, draped in formal a gown. Niclaus Weckmann reallyRead MoreThe Complex Layers Of An Artist1533 Words  | 7 Pagesartistic productions can be largely influenced by the country of origin. This can be seen in multiple artistic movements such as the Renaissance where works from Italy and England while largely influenced by the same artistic goals produce works with stylistic differences. Baroque style art was also subject to these geographical differences influencing the vision of the artist. Understanding the complex layers of an artistic movement requires one to analysis work s of art and how they compare to otherRead MoreEssay about SUMMERTIME AND SPRING RAIN926 Words  | 4 PagesSUMMERTIME AND SPRING RAIN Upon first sight, it appears that John Sloan’s Spring Rain and Edward Hopper’s Summertime only common characteristic is that they are both oil paintings on canvas. Spring Rain, from the school of Impressionistic art, was painted in 1912. Summertime, which possesses a simplified, schematic style, was created over thirty years later, in 1943. Therefore, there are extreme differences in the two artists’ technique and style. However, despite these differences, the twoRead MoreUnit 22 Essay2299 Words  | 10 PagesExtended Diploma in Music Unit 22: Music Performance Session Styles You are to recognise 3 genre of music and evaluate that style with the aim of performing that style accurately. P1 Explain the fundamental stylistic elements of a wide range of musical genres. You will understand the stylistic elements across a wide range of musical genres Reggae Reggae is most easily recognized by the rhythmic accents on the off-beat, usually played by guitar or piano (or both), known as the skank. This patternRead MoreAnalytical Essay on The Notebook Film744 Words  | 3 PagesIn the early 1900’s silent films amazed audiences with images, later talkies impressed with sound, today we have 3D. As technology continues to evolve so too will film genres. Genres, while having some shared characteristics, also differ in terms of stylistic devices used. For instance, the dramatic film â€Å"The Notebook†effectively uses color to reinforce theme and has plausible performers as the two main protagonists. â€Å"The Notebook†directed by Nick Cassavetes in 2004 tells the story of a couple’sRead MoreThe Story of Herbert Ernest Bates The Beauty of the Dead.3198 Words  | 13 PagesInterpretation by Arkadiy Kurakin The story of Herbert Ernest Bates The Beauty of the Dead. The story is a unit of literary fiction. The author uses different expressive means and stylistic devices to show the reader the idea of the story, such as epithets, metaphor, similar, oxymoron, irony, hyperbola, understatement, etc. The protagonist of this story is Mr. Grimshaw. This is a complex character, reticent, gloomy. His surname is rather significant. The adjective â€Å"grim means harsh, merciless
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Postmodernism in Pulp Fiction - 1681 Words
The film Pulp Fiction was an immediate box office success when it was released in 1994 and it was also well received by the critics, and celebrated for the way it appeared to capture exactly a certain pre-millennial angst and dislocation in Western capitalist societies. The term post-modernist, often used to refer to art and architecture, was applied to this film. The pulp fiction refers to popular novels which are bought in large numbers by less well educated people and enjoyed for their entertainment value. The implication is that the film concerns topics of interest to this low culture, but as this essay will show, in fact, the title is ironic and the film is a very intellectual presentation of issues at the heart of contemporary†¦show more content†¦On another level the film plays with the cultural connections that the actor John Travolta has with the 1950s. The musical film Grease which is perhaps Travolta’s most famous film, takes place in this kind of setting. When Travolta’s character in Pulp Fiction encounters this scene, playing a much older character in a much more adult and violent film, it causes an ironic ripple. The audience makes an instinctive connection with what they know outside the film, and this explodes the usual time and action frame of film. In Pulp Fiction Vegas begins to dance and this again brings in a whole host of meanings related to the famous dance between Travolta and Olivia Newton John in Grease. In the later film, however, this is no innocent flirting between teenagers. The new context is a dangerous flirtation with the wife of a deadly killer, and both of the participants are adults who know the consequences of their actions. Critics have noted that this, also is ironic, quoting elements of older film styles: â€Å"The story of the flirtatious boss’s wife draws on established elements from the gangster genre, while her overdose provides an unexpected Gothic reference.†The trickle of dark blood from the pale body of Mia (Uma Thurma) is what recalls the Gothic horror genre. These evocative touches characterise Tarantino’s exuberant style. The scene where Vincent takes Mia toShow MoreRelatedPulp Fiction: Hyperreal Violence and Postmodernism2180 Words  | 9 PagesPulp Fiction: Hyperreal Violence and Postmodernism Pulp Fiction is an iconic early 1990s film directed by the unparalleled Quentin Tarantino. The title of the film pays homage to mid-20th century crime novels. In this way and others, the title is revealing of the content of the film. The film follows a very postmodern style that often distracts the plot to focus instead on developing the characters. The cinematography of Tarantino further highlights the characters, at times not allowing theRead MorePostmodernism And Its Influence On Modern Society1612 Words  | 7 PagesPostmodernism is a complex term that has tried to be describes by many different theorist in many different ways. Some say that it is so hard to define because it is an idea that emerges across and variety of disciplines. In its most basic form Postmodernism can be describes at â€Å"departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media, and a general distrust of theories†(Oxford Dictionary, 2010). SoRead MorePulp Fiction - a Sociological Debate1412 Words  | 6 PagesSociology 2XX Critically anlayse a popular culture ‘text’ utlising relevant theories and debates In sociological theory there are many concepts discussed that are utilized in the analyses of society and culture. Some of the main concepts are Postmodernism, Historical Materialism, Structuralism, Interpretive Sociology and Poststructuralism to name a few. These theories are relevant to the research of understanding certain or specific cultural texts. These concepts provide problems and solutions associatedRead MoreThe Art of Editing and Film Meaning Essay1559 Words  | 7 PagesTherefore, not only did he demonstrate that editing is the essence of cinema, but that its application in a certain manner has the ability to change history. In order to illustrate the potency and effect of editing in film, Tarantino’s indie hit Pulp Fiction (1994) will serve this purpose by analysing its non-linear structure and subversive genre rule bending. If for Eisenstein, art is always conflict, and his montage is supposed to intellectually and emotionally challenge viewers through metaphorsRead MoreQuentin Tarantino - Adventures in Postmodern Cinema4027 Words  | 17 Pagesin comprehensive, original and effective ways is a mark of his adeptness as both a writer and director. He has been credited with popularizing non-linear narrative patterns by effectively applying it to Reservoir Dogs (1992) and more famously in Pulp Fiction (1994). His films have also been the subject of extensive revile as much as they have been lauded, most prominently for its intense displays of violence. However, to disregard his films solely on the basis of excessive violence is to overlook theRead MoreEssay about The Power of Horace McCoy’s They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?2674 Words  | 11 Pagesliterature seems an equally dubious task. It is commonly accepted that Noir literature (offspring of the Depression-Era’s pulp fiction, industrialization and the rise of capitalism) conveys a strong Modernist agenda; yet a textual analysis of Horace McCoy’s They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? reveals a surprising, although latent, Post-modern undercurrent. Dismissed as a ‘pulp’ novelist by American critics, Horace McCoy (like James Cain) received acclaim in Europe for the absurdist and existentialistRead MoreCity of God (2002) Represents Violence and Poverty as Spectacle.3961 Words  | 16 Pagesshot of his smiling face as he shoots again. As Goose falls to the ground, we are placed in his position with a canted worms-eye shot looks up the barrel of the child-gangster’s gun, an image which yet again mimics the visual style of Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction (1994). From here a fast cut sees Lil’ Dice from the same position but in different locations across the favela. Meirelles reveals that he has continued to ruthlessly murder throughout his childhood and into adolescence, but not without a smileRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesrulers a nd the local, colonized people in offices, shops, industries, and schools, although not as much in recreation. The results of this interaction were unpredictable. In addition to the social science literature, biographies, autobiographies, fiction, drama, and films are filled with the stories of indigenous people and colonial rulers who were transformed in one way or another through their interactions with the diverse residents and the institutions of the European colonial cities, often
Language as a Highway Free Essays
There are about five thousand languages throughout the world now, and that doesn’t even include the hand languages. As a matter of fact, Languages are the most powerful inventions ever. Languages are important highways that allow people to communicate within the world of different nations and cultures. We will write a custom essay sample on Language as a Highway or any similar topic only for you Order Now Without language we wouldn’t be able to communicate with one another and spread ideas. Languages are highways that connect the past and the present. Without language there would be no way that we would ever have known what happened in the past. â€Å"Language is a highway linking all peoples and all ages. Mama was wrong to use language as a wall. †Sometimes language can be a wall that breaks the connection between the people. In contract, Many foreign use their lack of language skills as an excuse to wrap themselves up, refusing to communicate with other people. There are positive and negative sides in language, and it depends on how well you using it. It’s really important and useful for people to use language as a highway. Undoubtedly, language is the foundation of communication, and communicating is an inseparable part of our lives. We always share our feelings and emotions through the highway of language. Can you imagine if no one in the entire world understands you, you could only talk to yourself, and all you could hear was your own voice? In addition to expressing emotions, it’s also requisite for our everyday study. We wouldn’t be able to express our ideas and thoughts without language, and we wouldn’t be able to learn. We should all use it as a convenient highway instead of a wall. There is a saying, â€Å"High thoughts must have high language. †In fact, I’m totally agreed with that. No matter how intelligent you are, without the language you wouldn’t be able to express any of your ideas. Furthermore, language is a window to our heart which could send our feelings out. Let the language be a highway for you, instead of a wall. How to cite Language as a Highway, Essay examples
The language of advertising Essay Example For Students
The language of advertising Essay I have noted that generally, most property advertising of new housing estates, is done by using an artists impression of the new/proposed, development. Whilst this is practically feasible, it must be pointed out that these graphic representations are intended to represent the idyll and set out to do exactly that through the imagery used see appendix 2 (Tournore Court) at the rear of this assignment. These images are then supported and their message enforced through the wording used on the advert eg Make the Right Move, Choose Tournore Court, Dungarvan. The very first word of this statement sets out to convince and persuade the potential purchaser to initiate/take a course of action. The following words, the Right Move, is an appeal to a persons general tendency and desire to want to do the right thing, and is intended to convey the impression that purchasing a house in this development (as opposed to any other in another development, and as highlighted by the word Choose) would in fact achieve and fulfill this desire. In order to enforce this message, the name of the housing estate/development, has been repeated twice on the cover (ie the heading, and in bold typeface in the promotional statement). Another common form of advertisement (and technique) observed by auctioneers in the Dungarvan area, is illustrated by the newspaper advert at appendix 3. This picture attempts and intends to convey the message (by association), of the ideal and close-knit, happy family lifestyle, and that the proposed development will ensure this. The format chosen for the wording of the advert is intended to catch your attention by Announcing, then letting the picture enforce this word/announcement and preceed what the advert is then actually saying. It thus leaves scope for your own initial interpretation and reaction, and makes the whole experience of the advert more personal. The personal aspect of the advert is then enforced through the relatively close distance between the camera lense and the family photographed. Persuasion is added to the advert in the use of the developers name, which is well-recognised locally and associated with good, quality workmanship, and the welcome mat adding a nice domestic and instantly recognisable and friendly touch. In the above example, the advert also notes that there is a Limited number available in First Phase this has been done in order to create a sense of urgency. A sense in which this advert might be considered misleading, is that one of the impressions gained from the photograph is that the development is within close proximity of a wooded walking area, which is not the case, as it is centrally situated within the Ballinroad (suburban) area of Dungarvan. The third advertisement example (Appendix 4), is a good case where an advert might be considered misleading. The third house advertised Three Arches has highlighted as one of its chief selling features/advantages, the fact that it overlooks Clonea Beach. Having conducted a personal site visit, whilst this may be considered strictly true, the view is however a more distant one than that conveyed through the use of the word overlooking, and the more obvious view and one with greater impact, is that of the main Waterford Cork N25 almost immediately outside the front door, and on what could be considered a relatively hazardous bend and high accident area. This fact that the house is located on the N25 has been obviously avoided, with the intention of trying to gain interest and a personal viewing in the hopes of being able to sell the property. This is considered misleading in that the full facts of the property location and situation have not been revealed, thus conveying a different impression of the property to many people who would not even have considered giving the property a first viewing. .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 , .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 .postImageUrl , .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 , .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220:hover , .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220:visited , .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220:active { border:0!important; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220:active , .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220 .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8196af119c184434084ef7bf0e963220:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Advertising and Fashion Retailing Project Report EssayIt is considered that the fact that this particular property has been on the market for a period of at least 2 and a half years, provides further substantiation of this. Conclusion Brokers and salespeople, including auctioneers and property advertising, are subject to a plethora of rules, regulations and statutes regulating their advertising and marketing activities and materials (some of which have been listed already), and through which legal recourse may be obtained should any person consider themselves to have been misled by any advertisement. It is therefore considered that introducing further legislation, simply to regulate property (which may be regarded in the same light as any other consumable commodity), would serve no purpose, and merely duplicate what legislation etc already exists. As has been highlighted above, a major element of advertising are the words used to attract attention, describe the product, and persuade potential purchasers to buy. However, as alluded to in the assignment topic, the way advertising can use words can often be described as less than ethical. Although it is illegal for advertising to lie, the way it can tell the truth, through the use of connotations, fuzzy rather than concrete words, logical fallacies, and careful choice of language roots, creates illusions, delusions, and the belief that advertisements are saying one thing when in fact they are saying something totally different, if indeed they are saying anything at all. This is neither good nor bad; it is advertising doing its job, selling products under extreme restrictions in time, space, and lack of immediacy. However, knowing how advertising uses language makes it possible for the average consumer to make better, more informed purchase decisions. Bibliography Course Lecture Notes: 04/11/2003 1 Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Critical Summary of Four Recommended Readings
Question: Discuss about the Critical Summary of Four Recommended Readings. Answer: Introduction Internet has emerged to be a new marketplace for global business leaders. With increase in globalisation, internet has joined the geographical and politically divided markets into a single economy to broaden the market reach of an organisation. According to the article of Shah (2008), Internet has emerged to be a medium of communication that removes the global politics to covert the global villages into a global marketplace. Furthermore, Zinkhan (2005) in his article also says that the concept of market place has changed over the global platform with the interdiction of innovative technology. Hence, a modern marketing theory has been introduced by Zinkhan in order to promote products or brand over the international platform. Wirtz, Schilke and Ullrich (2010) identify 4C Internet Business Model that can play an instrumental role drawing significant advantage in target market utilising the internet. Precisely, the article evaluates the emergent Web 2.0 phenomenon that can influence the overall strategic movement of internet-based business. On the other hand, Berthon et al. (2012) have illustrated the modern marketing strategies based on Web 2.0 framework including social media, creative consumers, and multimedia platform. Most effectively, the relentless alteration in modern communication technology has provided endless marketing strategies to the dynamic management leaders to create substantial opportunity Berthon et al. (2012). The Web 2.0 framework has replaced the traditional market concepts with the latest ones as the target audience has become more creative. The study also describes the aspects of Web 2.0 phenomenon leading towards competitive advantage. Meanwhile, the systematic knowledge using the Web 2.0 phenomenon can be illustrated in the report as well. The report has been developed to critically summary the four articles presented above. The paper presents the main issues address in the articles that is related to the development of internet and its impact on global marketing policies. Furthermore, several globalisation theories and modern marketing theories have been discussed from the articles in order to critically analyse the evolution of internet as a modern marketplace. On the other hand, the practical applications of the learning from the four articles have been discussed to explain how internet can be used to make the marketing activities easier and effective. Main issues addressed in the article The main issue addressed in the article of Zinkhan (2005) is the ways in which the concept of contemporary marketplace is changing with the emerging technology, i.e. the development of internet (Zinkhan, 2005). According to Zinkhan, a market is a place for exchange of ideas and goods in order to earn profit. But, in the contemporary world, markets have physical existences that are divided by geographical politics (Shah, 2008). With the emergence of internet and innovative technologies, the concept of marketplace has changed from a domestic market to a globally joined forum in which ideas can be easily exchanged (Shah. 2008). On the other hand, Shah (2008) relates the evolution of internet with global politics and says that separated markets have joined together due to the innovative technologies that have changes the concept of distinct markets. In the present scenario, there is no existence of a sole market. The whole world is joined together as a single unit eliminating the politic al barriers to make it easier for a business to sell its products over the sea. The article by Wirtz, Schilke and Ullrich (2010) identifies the leading issues associated with the Web 2.0 phenomenon. Decisively, environmental alterations have forced modern business firms to renewal their strategic business model. As a result of the consequences, Web 2.0 phenomenon can be identified as one of the most convincing frameworks to adapt environmental changes (Wirtz, Schilke and Ullrich, 2010). On a broader perspective, failing to adapt the business model during the environmental alteration can prove to be disastrous. Added to that, there are significant regulatory as well as legal directives to be followed in case of restructuring the business model based on Web 2.0 framework that can be recognised as issues. According to Berthon et al. (2012), Web-based technologies have their significant amount of restrictions and limitations that can create an adverse effect on marketing strategies. For instance, the Web 2.0 framework has provided data and information of the target audience regarding a market. Typically, due to lack of security, the data can be transferred or misplaced creating issues (Berthon et al., 2012). Apparently, internet-based information may be misleading at times in case of the emerging nations. The overall interaction created through web-based systems can provide fewer data. Moreover, the validity of user-generated content (UGC) must be questioned before implementing the same to marketing (Berthon et al., 2012). Such issues of the Web 2.0 framework have been evaluated in the article. Specific concepts and theories According to Zinkhan (2005), there is a need of modern marketing theories and techniques that can be used to seek success over the global platform. He presents the theory of market place as an engine of economic exchange that focuses on public life. Later on, in the article, Zinkhan presents the simple framework for understanding the impact of new technology on marketing theories (Zinkhan, 2005). Zinkhan explains the theories of e-marketing using two perspectives that are the importance of data quality and an example of retailing theory that can be used along with e-marketing theories to modify the marketing strategies. On the other hand, Shah (2008) emphasises on the global governance framework that divides the world into small marketplace villages. Meanwhile, the development of internet platform removes the political barriers resulting into a single global market (Shah. 2008). According to her, internet has resulted into one political structure or teleology. According to her, the Internet Engineering Task Force has created a democracy in the global marketplace. The article by Wirtz, Schilke and Ullrich (2010) determines the theoretical concept of business model and intervention of modern technology. During the alterations in environmental aspects such as market structure, modern technology, and regulatory provisions, modern organisations need to adapt latest strategic business models for long-term sustainability of business (Wirtz, Schilke and Ullrich, 2010). Therefore, transformation in business structure can be recognised in the most comprehensive way to support the change (Boateng and Okoe, 2015). The article evaluates the role of Web 2.0 phenomenon as a business model that can be influential to manage the changes in case of environmental alterations. Meanwhile, the ways to use the organisational resources to the business model has been developed in the study as well. Berthon et al. (2012) have evaluated the latest trend of marketing leading to success. Most importantly, by providing a brief overview of modern marketing i.e. the Web 2.0 framework, creative consumer, and social media, the study has elaborated the interconnection between trending marketing strategy and the unique implication of value creation (Berthon et al., 2012). The identified aspects of marketing can be described as revolutionary for better services. Meanwhile, the aspects of marketing can be utilised to transform technology into marketing success (Ashley and Tuten, 2014). The interchangeable modern marketing dynamics of global market has been depicted in the study to draw substantial amount of competitive advantage over the other market participants. At the same, by using the Web 2.0 and social media, the modern marketers have explicitly recognised the rapid changing purchasing behaviour of the target audience. Thus, the internet platform has influenced the marketing networkin g in a position way. Critical Analysis In order to increase productivity and growth of business, remaining competitive should be termed as the order of the hour. By continuously developing the strategic business model, a contemporary business firm can promote sustainability (Connor, 2015). Hence, it is important for the modern businesses to imply innovative technology in order to seek success over the global platform. With development of internet, the domestic markets have joined together eliminating the barriers of geographical politics to create a democracy in the global market (Foster, 2010). On the other hand, internet has created a virtual marketplace for the global sellers in order to reach a higher number of customers. The new aspects of marketing can be used as a revolutionary way of improving the services to increase customer satisfaction (Cheong and Park, 2015). Meanwhile, it has become easier for the customers to reach different traders across the globe through a globe of a button. Not only the computers connect people to the global marketplace, but also the other innovative devices can be used to get in touch with various market leaders (Morris, Schindehutte and LaForge, 2012). Through embracing latest technology and internet platform, senior management of global MNCs has utilised the social media as a part of marketing enhancing the competitive advantage over other marketers (Berthon et al., 2012). But, there are several challenges that have emerged with the innovation of internet technology (Palo and Thtinen, 2013). For example, the level of competition in the domestic as well as global market has increased with the emergence of the virtual market (Buxel, Esenduran and Griffin, 2015). Hence, it has become important for the domestic organisations to join the trend in the global marketplace to survive and seek growth in the current market scenario. Application The comprehensive framework of Web 2.0 phenomenon can be utilised in the modern business restructuring to deal with the environmental operations. By using the internet as a platform, an organisation can use the pervasiveness of social media networks to generate data and information (Wirtz, Schilke and Ullrich, 2010). At the same time, internet-based business models can match the changing behaviour of the target audience leading to successful management of the business (Shih, Lee and Huarng, 2016). Also, the Web 2.0 phenomenon can increase the potential ideas of the executives in adopting latest technology as a part of business. Meanwhile, by applying the functions of marketing with Web 2.0, social media and creative consumers point of view, modern marketers can impress the target audience in a better way (Pitt and Berthon, 2011). Precisely, social media has become global and the modern organisations and renowned brands have effectively utilised the platform to convince the purchasers to buy their products (Wang and Vaughan, 2014). Clearly, international marketing has become easier than before due to Web 2.0 and social media as intersection of the three aspects can deliver improved marketing concepts leading to long-term business feasibility. It has become important for the domestic organisations to join the trend of globalisation through the implementation of modern technologies. As domestic markets have been converted into global marketplace with the development of technology, the management of an organisation must implement the modern marketing theories in order to survive in the current business environment. A failure to improvise the change may lead to a devastating end of the business (Welling and White, 2016). The application of online business model through the implementation of e-commerce portals can be helpful for the small businesses to fight the global competition in the local markets. Conclusion Development of internet has created a global market for the domestic as well as international businesses that are free of political barriers in terms of marketing activities. Hence, it is important for the management of modern organisations to improvise the innovative marketing strategies and policies to survive and seek success over the global platform. The implication of Web 2.0 phenomenon can certainly create the value of a business using the internet platform. The internet-based wave of alterations has influenced the contemporary business management to adapt Web 2.0 framework leading towards sustainable growth in business. By following the market trends, the comprehensive Web 2.0 business framework can provide clear guidance to the management leading to a competitive edge. In this way, the transformation of a business model using Web 2.0 can continue the development creating value and strategic recommendation to be followed. The modern social media networking sites i.e. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other leading sites have been utilised by the modern marketers to identify the creative consumers mindset. Furthermore, the Web 2.0 has ensured that the network and media and consumers can be managed efficiently at the internet platform. Evidently, the array of marketing networks have been replaced mostly by Web 2.0 framework and social media marketing concepts creating significant marketing strategies for respective target audience. References Ashley, C. and Tuten, T. (2014). Creative Strategies in Social Media Marketing: An Exploratory Study of Branded Social Content and Consumer Engagement.Psychology Marketing, 32(1), pp.15-27. Berthon, P., Pitt, L., Plangger, K. and Shapiro, D. (2012). Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy.Business Horizons, 55(3), pp.261-271. Boateng, H. and Okoe, A. (2015). Determinants of Consumers Attitude towards Social Media Advertising.Journal of Creative Communications, 10(3), pp.248-258. Buxel, H., Esenduran, G. and Griffin, S. (2015). Strategic sustainability: Creating business value with life cycle analysis.Business Horizons, 58(1), pp.109-122. Cheong, H. and Park, J. (2015). How do consumers in the Web 2.0 era get information? Social media users use of and reliance on traditional media.Journal of Marketing Analytics, 3(3), pp.135-146. Connor, M. (2015). Creating Customer Value in a Digitally Transformed Future.Journal of Creating Value, 1(2), pp.204-213. Foster, S. (2010). Creating HR value through technology.Strategic Direction, 26(8), pp.3-5. Morris, M., Schindehutte, M. and LaForge, R. (2012). Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Construct for Integrating Emerging Entrepreneurship and Marketing Perspectives.Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 10(4), pp.1-19. Palo, T. and Thtinen, J. (2013). Networked business model development for emerging technology-based services.Industrial Marketing Management, 42(5), pp.773-782. Pitt, L. and Berthon, P. (2011). Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Web: Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers.Business Horizons, 54(3), pp.181-183. Shah, N. (2008). From global village to global marketplace: Metaphorical descriptions of the global Internet.International Journal of Media Cultural Politics, 4(1), pp.9-26. Shih, L., Lee, Y. and Huarng, F. (2016). Creating Customer Value for Product Service Systems by Incorporating Internet of Things Technology.Sustainability, 8(12), p.1217. Wang, F. and Vaughan, L. (2014). Firm web visibility and its business value.Internet Research, 24(3), pp.292-312. Welling, R. and White, L. (2016). Measuring the Value of Corporate Web Sites.Journal of Internet Commerce, 5(3), pp.127-145. Wirtz, B., Schilke, O. and Ullrich, S. (2010). Strategic development of business models: implications of the Web 2.0 for creating value on the internet.Long Range Planning, 43(2), pp.272-290. Zinkhan, G. (2005). The marketplace, emerging technology and marketing theory.Marketing Theory, 5(1), pp.105-115.
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