Monday, September 30, 2019
Persephone falling
Notes on Rata Dove's Mother Love Persephone, Falling Based on the Greek myth of Demeter and her daughter Persephone (see Foreword), Dove creates a modern story of the event of Persephone capture by Hades. There is an overriding theme of danger and disobedience throughout the poem. The young girl's innocence, captured in the description of her as a beautiful narcissus is juxtaposed by her act of careless disobedience (she had strayed from the herd) when she refused to heed the warning of her parent.One cannot overlook the pun on the word â€Å"herd†at the end of the first stanza. There is an element of self- imposed danger versus the danger lurking around. In stanza one, the captor is conveyed as the devil lurking in the underworld waiting to take the unsuspecting victim â€Å"sprung out Of the earth†. Yet in stanza 2, the poem seems to apply some blame on the child who does not pay attention to the warnings of a parent â€Å"this is how easily the pit opens. This is h ow one foot sinks into the ground†.One the one hand the peril comes about by the ‘terrible†prey that springs upon the helpless by surprise just as it is said in the Holy Bible's reference to he devil roaming around the earth as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. This reading of the poem with biblical reference is underscored by the name Hades in the Greek myth itself, as well as, the biblical reference is also seen in the line â€Å"it is finished†the words quoted in the New Testament Gospel as Jesus final words after his crucifixion.On the other hand, in the last line of the poem, the child faces a demise brought about by her own failure to adhere to good advice (80 % of stanza 2). The victim puts herself in harm's way. The destruction came by choice â€Å"one foot sinks†Furthermore, Dove extends the threat to the vulnerable by showing various ways by which a youth can be lured away.In â€Å"go straight to school†she speaks to the haphazard, playful child who is easily distracted and lingers away from her course. In â€Å"don't answer to strangers†she implies a more unsuspecting, innocent whose naivety could get her ensnared but in â€Å"keep your eyes down†there appears the sexual connotation of the bold daring girl who abandons modesty with boldness and impudence. All of which can lead to an unfortunate circumstance.This poem is not a sonnet nor does it contain any particular rhyme scheme, however the sound and rhythm of the poetic is identified as one reads aloud the internal rhymes of â€Å"flowers†and â€Å"others†; â€Å"heard †and â€Å"herd†in stanza 1 ; and the end rhymes of â€Å"around†, â€Å"down†â€Å"ground†in stanza 2. There is a distinct difference of tone between the two stanzas when the story telling voice of the persona is superseded by the watchful parent who already sees in the child the tendency to be wayward.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Assignment On Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business Essay
Introduction: A business organization has to face many criteria to conduct business in the worldwide business arena. Different domestic and international rules and regulations help to expand business and sometimes create barrier to the business. The law has an incredible effect over the business organization and others social working groups of the organization. Law helps to determine what is right or what is wrong for conducting a business organization. Contract is a part of the business transaction. Contract is an agreement between two or more parties each of whom has the intention to create a legal relation to have a lawful object between them. Contract is regulated by law that is enforceable by the court and legal jurisdictions. Contract is more used in the partnership business where each party has a common goal, trust one another and a specific time period. Q1.1: What are the essential elements of forming a valid contract? Explain the importance of each element by providing relevant legal principles derived from decided cases: An agreement that can be enforced by law is considered as a contract (Jones v.Daniel 1894). An agreement is enforceable by law when it fills up certain conditions that are regarded as essential element of valid contract. Essential elements are: Offer and Acceptance, Lawful Consideration, Intention to create Legal Relationship, Certainty: Offer Offer is crucial element for a contract, is very important that the offeror to intend to for a term as an expression of willingness to enter in to a contract, contract which will became lawful upon acceptance. (Gibson V Manchester City Council (1979)1 WLR 294 HL) Acceptance An acceptance is a willingness that the offeree agree to all the terms of the offeror has made. Also the acceptance must be ‘mirror image’ of the offer. (Day Morris Associates v Voyce 2003 EWCA civ 189). If the offeree try to set up new terms on the offer, this normally is a counter offer which will kill the original offer. (Hyde v Wrench 1840). Lawful Consideration: Consideration is defined as an acts or a promise of a payment or charge or value which is called ‘Consideration’ made from promisor to the promise or both. (Currie v Misra 1875) An agreement should be based on the ‘freedom of contact theory’ of all parties. Free consent is hampered when coercion, mistake, fraud and misrepresentation are made. (Chappell & Co. v Nestle 1960 AC). Intention to create Legal Relationship: A legal relation is created through the agreement that is intended. An agreement to sell or buy a product is agreement intended to make legal relationship and is therefore contract. A contact may not be valid if the participants they are not intending to create legal relation. (Balfour v Balfour 1919). Domestic and Social contracts are not considered to be a legal relation. (Jones v Padavatton 1966). Also commercial agreements is normally considered that is made in a business context and automatically is an intention to create legal relation. (Case: Esso petroleum v Commissioner of customs and Excise 1976). Family agreements can be enforceable if there is a clearly made in to a ‘business contect’(Snelling v John G Snelling ltd 1973). Certancy As a contract to be valid it must contain terms of the contract and if a important term is hidden that contract will not be lawfull. Q1.2: Describe different types of contract usually undergone in business context. Critically analyze the legal impact of distance selling contract. Sales contracts, Employment contracts, Marketing contracts, Licensing Sales contracts are made between companies to companies and to private person to a private persons, can be goods or services. Employment contracts is an agreement from employer to employee with terms of payments, benefits, period of time, rights and obligations. Marketing contracts are normally made from business to business or from persons to business to promote products and services to the general public or to business. Licensing contract is used normally to transfer rights to an individual to be able to licensee goods and services in regime of trade mark. Distance selling contract regulations: sellers give certain basic information to customer, deliver goods within 30 days, and provide customers a right to cancel their order. All business must comply with the ‘Sale of Goods Act’ Q1.3: Analyze the contrasting aspects of different kind of terms generally used in a commercial contract. 200 words The lawfulness of commercial contract based on different kind of terms. These terms are considered as implied and express terms. Four categories of implied terms (Porter v Tottenham U.D.C1915) are: Terms Implied by fact: Under this term court believe that both parties of the contract know about the fact. Terms implied in law: Under this term court indicate a specific law of defined type in the contract. That law protects the weaker party in the contract. Terms implied by custom: In this term, local custom is applied on the contract. Terms implied by trade usage: Terms regularly used in contracts within a particular business can be im plied on other such contract. Express terms are: a) Oral contract b) Written contract c) Parole evidence role d) Collateral contract There are three types of contractual terms: a) Condition: Major term of contract. Serious consequence occurs when it is broken. (Poussard v Spiers and pond 1876) b) Warranties: Under this term an affected party can sue for damage when it is breached but cannot terminate the contract. c) In nominate term: If this type of term is breached serious or negligible result can occur depending on the particular fact. ‘Implied terms are more sensitive to deal with than express terms in a business contract’ – how far would you agree with this comment? In contract implied terms refers to terms that are not directly written in the contract but are introduced into contract by the court or by statute. Express terms are conditions that are directly written and agreed by both parties at the time of contract made. As the terms are not mentioned in the contract, it is more sensible to deal with during conflict than express terms. Task 2: Application of Contracts in Business Situations Q2.1: (a) Green Pharma put an advertisement in a trade journal stating: ‘for the wholesale buyers only, our ‘new moisturizing creams’ are now at a special low price of  £10 per dozen.’ Mr Khan, one of Green Pharma’s trusted vendors, rushed to one of your show room and wanted to place a large order. Meanwhile the company made a new decision not to sell the creams any more. Mr Khan became cross and he wished to pursue a legal action against the company. Advice Green Pharma about the possible legal consequence. Justify your comments with reference to similar case precedents. In the given business scenario Green put an advertisement to sell its new moisturizing cream at a special low price Green Pharma was making only an invitation to treat. ((Partridge v Crittenden (1968) 1 WLR 1204). As a result Mr. Khan one of the trusted vendors rushed to one of the show room and wanted to place a large order but he was refused to give order. As a result he wished to pursue a legal action against the company. Mr. Khan wanted to make an offer to Green Pharma to buy the goods but was no acceptance from the company therefore was not valid contract, in event of seeking legal action from Mr Khan will not affect Green Pharma in any way legally. (b) You work into the night to complete ‘an important report’ for your immediate boss, Tania. Tania is very pleased with the report and says ‘I know you have worked very hard on this, I will make sure there’s an extra  £200 in your pay at the end of the month. Can you enforce this promise? 100 words In the given situation you can’t make lawsuit against Tania although it is a oral promise that is done with spoken words. Tania makes a statement or promise which we can call consideration but that consideration was completed before Tania has made her promise. We called this situation past consideration so it can be a lawfull consideration (Re McArdle 1951). (c) Joe works in the purchase department of Green Pharma. He lives near to you. By an agreement he provides you with a lift to work in return for a contribution towards the petrol. Would this contract be legally enforceable? Justify your answer with legal arguments. In the above situation Joe can’t be enforced in this contract legally due to lack of intention to create legal relation, furthermore the agreement was done in a social context, if in event to seek legal action the court will not enforce this agreement (Balfour b Balfour 1919) Q2.2: Alban is the business development manager of Green Pharma. Four months ago he bought a ‘Landmaster’ car from Brenda’s Garage Ltd for use in his business activities. He paid  £12,500 for the car and was given a written guarantee in the following terms. ‘Brenda’s Garage Ltd guarantees that, for three months from the date of purchase, it will put right free of charge any defects in the vehicle which cannot be discovered on proper examination at the time of purchase. Thereafter all work and materials will be charged to the customer.’ The sales manager recommended to Alban that he should take out the ‘special extended warranty’ under which, for payment of  £350, the car would have been guaranteed in respect of all defects for a further two years, but Alban declined. Last week the engine and gearbox seized up. The repairs will cost  £2,000. Advise Alban. Would your answer differ if he bought the car only for his personal use? In the given scenario I think there would be difference between contracts whether it is made with personally or commercially. All contracts are made up with the essential elements. When Alban purchases a Landmaster car from Brenda’s Garage ltd for use in business activities, he made a legal contract through offer and acceptance, and a written agreement. It also includes the consideration in the contract that defines each party to the agreement gets something. There was the existence of the certainty element of the contract through which Brenda indicates for three month from the date of purchase they will provide warranty service of the car. If Alban purchase the car for personal use he would make a contract with the seller of the by maintaining the element of the valid contract. Alban can not make a claim for compensation of the car if want it to do that because was outside of the warranty was given. Although if Alban would buy the car for personal use he has the right to l awsuit against the Brenda’ to recover the cost repair due to Sale Goods Act implied terms of satisfactory quality. Q2.3: Explain the effects of the following in the running of a Pharmaceutical company such as Green Pharma: a) Breach of conditions, and, innominate terms Breach of condition: Condition is the basic term of contract we also can call it hart of the contract. When condition is breached, the affected party can sue as well as end the contract and claim for damages. Warranty: Warranties as a secondary condition can be a specific kind of terms representation of fact that the law can enforce against the warrantors. If a warranty is breached the victim party can only demand for compensation but cannot end the contract, therefore Green Pharma offer replacements which will conduct to damages only. Innominate terms: As a result of such breach the innocent party is deprived of the whole benefit of the contract. The inexperience vendors will be entitled to repudiate the contract and to get compensations (Hong kong fir shipping co. ltd v Kawasaki kisen kaisha ltd (1962) b) Legality of exemption clauses. Please include relevant examples to explain different aspects of the terms. 200 words An exemption clause is a term in the contract made by one party to protect them from lawsuit done by other party for damage,loss,negligence or non-performance etc. It is done usually by the party who draft the agreement. For example, a digital camera shop use exemption clause in their selling document where they accept no liability for any damaged camera after selling it to customer. Thecourt generally describes exemption clauses narrowly to see if it is logical in specific perspective. An exemption clause can be included and bound into a contract if it is written in a signed contractual document; it does not fact whether the party understands it. Task 3: Principles of Liability in Business Negligence Q3.1: In what aspects, liabilities in tort are different from contractual liabilities? Give examples of ‘duty of care’ in the context of someday- to- day situations. Explain the concept of ‘causation’ and ‘remoteness’ in the tort of negligence. 220 words Tortuous liability is more imposed in nature whereas Contractual liability is freedom. Contractual liability holds more privacy than liabilities in tort (Fleming, 1984). Sole proprietorship and Partner in partnership are responsible for the tort committed by them and torts committed by the business. In the contractual liability parties are engaged with one another by mutual consent which is conducted by the contract. On the other hand, the relationship in the tortuous liability is imposed by the law, the defendant must responsible the claimant a duty of care. The basic contrast between the contractual liability and the liability in tort is that the first is the result of agreement whereas the second is the result of law. Day to day examples of duty of care: a) Keepers of dangerous pets will hold a duty of care to people who will be likely to be affected. b) Lorry drivers owes a duty of care to his goods that it’s delivering. According to the law, duty of care is a legal responsibility that is applied on an individual requiring maintains a reasonable care during completing a specific task to overtake any acts that make jeopardize others. Duty of care is done by a employer to his employees, by a traffic police to the pedestrian, by a supplier to the manufacturer for the quality of the raw materials etc. Causation defines and determines the extension of liability. Causation is the indicator through which one party proves that another party makes loss to them that is considered before damages. It may be difficult to prove when there is more than one cause. Remoteness determines how much a defendant is responsible for his wrongful doings. A defendant must make up the damages or loss if it is within the reasonable consideration. Q3.2: Explain the nature of liability in negligence by giving reference to different scenarios. Negligence is not intentional tort but accidental. Negligence liability holds that defendant know about the probable risk that can occur damage largely to the injured party. Here the injured party does not know about the risk before it happens. Negligence liability also assumes that the defendant has control power over the probable risk of harms that caused the plaintiff injury. (Lewis, R., Morris, A. and Oliphant, K.2006).For example, negligence liability occurs when a landlord sell a portion of his property to a customer although knowing about the legality problem in the property documents that may cause serious damage in future if any legal issues increases. In this situation the buyer of the property will know about the problem and damages after the occurrence happens. Another example, negligence liability occurs when a nurse does not mention the medicine to the patient who has no knowledge about the medicine causing the patient take wrong medicine. Q3.3: Explain the legal requirements to hold employers vicariously liable for the torts committed by their employees. Vicarious liability in English law is a doctrine that applies rigorous liability on the employers for the wrongdoing of their employees (CRC-Evans Canada Ltd. v. Pettifer1997). In this perspective, the person who is vicariously liable is free from blame although the person is legally responsible. An employer is vicariously responsible for doing the conduct of employees or a group of employees, agents, supervisors or managers, a person deployed by the firm disturbing a member, workplace participant etc. The provision of the vicarious liability refers to the to the legislation that applies if the person was an employee and not from a contractor or agency. (Mersey Docks & Harbour Board v Coggins and Griffiths Ltd 1947). We can consider tort of an employee if occurs to connection with the person’s employment. Without taking all responsibilities the employers may be held liable for the actions of the employees. (Limpus v London General Omnibus Co 1862) Also we may have another situation where the driver of a bus company is not in his course of employment where is injures passengers it can not be responsible for the accident. (Beard v London General Omnibus Co 1900) Courts attribute to the employer where the employers’ objectives do not reach in the absence of the employee’s serious risk which has committed. So, there are some close connection between the tortuous act of the employee and the circumstances of his employment to establish a vicarious liability. Examples of vicarious liability are: employees seize the goods of the firm. Task 4: Application of Principles of Liability in Business Situations Q4.1: By applying the relevant legal principles answer the following: (a) what is the level of duty of care to be shown by (1) a learner driver (2) a Chinese herbal doctor working in England and (3) Junior doctor in a hospital? The duty of care refers to the principle that the duty to take responsible care to avoid foreseeable injury to a neighbor. A learner driver Must know the rules and regulations of the traffic and level of care is not been different from all other drivers. (Nettleship v Weston 1971). Understand the possible magnitude of the probable harm or injury occurred on roads. Know the importance of the social value of this activity. Chinese herbal doctor A doctor must mention reasonable harm and can not be considered a full doctor therefore is not grade of comparison. (Shakoor v Situ 2004). The relationship between the defendant and the claimant about proximate cause. A junior doctor To practice under the supervision of senior doctor (Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee 1957). Maintain reasonable standard of the profession. Avoid negligence actions for medical malpractices. Know the bad effect of malpractice that causes harm or injury. (b) Green Pharma engages Mr Ken, a local electrician, to rewire its office. Two weeks later Leo, a visitor, is electrocuted. Discuss Green Pharma’s liability in tort. Would your answer differ if Green Pharma put the following notice at the entrance: ‘Persons entering these premises do so at their own risk’? 125 words A tort liability is the legal obligation of a party which causes to suffer or loss someone as a result of a civil wrong or injury. Green Pharma has experience in defending clients, variety of personal injury. In this scenario it is found that one of the visitors has attacked by the electrocuted. There was a rule to set up a notice for awareness. But due to negligence of the employee the notice was not hung. As a result, the Green Pharma is responsible for the accident of the visitors. The visitors can sue for getting the compensation of the damage. If there was the rule in the entrance: ‘Persons entering these premises do so at their own risk’. In this perspective the visitor should follow the notice in the entrance. If not follow Green Pharma will not responsible for the accident. The visitor cannot sue against the company for getting the compensation for the damage. Q4.2: (a) John is a van driver employed by Green pharma. While on his rounds, he stops to collect his own television from a repair shop. He parks his van carelessly and it moves off, injuring Kelly, a pedestrian. Is Green Pharma vicariously liable? Vicarious liability indicates a situation where someone is liable for the acts of another person. In this business scenario John is van driver employed by Green Pharma who use the van for his personal use to carry a television from a repair shop. As he parks the van carelessly that resulting injured Kelly a pedestrian, the pedestrian can sue against the Green Pharma because the owner of the van is the Green Pharma who not is vicariously liable for the injury of the pedestrian. Beard v London General Omnibus Co 1900 (b) Robert, who is a security guard in Green Pharma’s head office, has been encouraged by the company to keep order by force – if necessary. One night he grabbed one MrMattis on suspicion and stabbed him in the back. Discuss the potential vicarious liability of Green Pharma. 100 words Here Green Pharma plays the role of the employer and Robert is the employee of this. Green Pharma is vicariously liable for the act of the Robert because he has done the action encouraged by the company to protect his job. Seemingly, Green Pharma is free from the blame but it is legally liable for the negligence of the employee. As a result Mr.Mattis affected by stabbing can demand for the compensation that must be paid by the company. Many employers are not aware that they can be liable for a range of actions done by their employee in the course of their employment. Conclusion: To regulate and expand the business the importance of law is increasing day by day. The capacities and culture of the different organization and nations are not same. Law provides the fundamental understanding of the negotiation deals that is required in the business. Legitimate contract helps to debate settlement of the business organization in the court by legal jurisdictions. Top management of a organization should know the reasonable information about the various elements of the agreement to understand and get important point in the business arena. References: 1. Burrows, A. (1995), ‘Solving the Problem of Concurrent Liability’ Current Legal Problems 103. 2. Fleming, J. (1984), ‘Comparative Law of Torts’ 4 OJLS 235. 3. Lewis, R., Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. (2006), ‘Tort Personal Injury Claims Statistics: Is There a Compensation Culture in the United Kingdom?’ 2 JPIL 87. 4. Markesinis, B. S. (1987), ‘An Expanding Tort Law – The Price of a Rigid Contract Law’ 103 LQR 354. 5. Stapleton, J. (1985), ‘Compensating Victims of Diseases’ 5 OJLS 248. 6. Whittaker, D.H. (1990) Managing Innovation: A Study of British and Japanese Factories, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 7. Wedderburn, Lord (1986) The Worker and the Law, 3rd edn, London: Penguin. 8. Waddington, J. (1992) Trade union membership in Britain, 1980–1987: unemployment and restructuring, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 30(2): 7–15. 9. Simpson, B. (1986) Trade union immunities. In Lewis, R. (ed.) (1986) Labour Law in Britain, 10. Oxford: Blackwell. 11. CRC-Evans Canada Ltd. v. Pettifer(1997) 12. Porter v TottenhamU.D.C(1915) Jones v.Daniel (1894) 2 Ch. 332].
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Descartes - Essay Example nd republished in 1642, â€Å"Meditations of First Philosophy,†which covers a number of philosophical topics that he was heavily invested in discussed some of these topics. One of these topics includes the existence of God and whether or not such a thing could possibly exist. However Descartes lived in an era where the Catholic Church held a great deal of power. Had Descartes come to any other conclusion than an affirmative confirmation of God he might have been excommunicated from the Church or, worse, branded a heretic. So this begs the question did Descartes believe in God or was he padding his conclusions to avoid Church persecution? Descartes said, â€Å"†¦were it not the case that God really existed. By ‘God’ I mean the very being the idea of whom is within me, that is, the possessor of all the perfections which I cannot grasp†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Descartes 1-132). Descartes makes his case in the â€Å"Meditations†that there must be a God. It is like a geometric shape, constant, ever present, and unwavering. He supported his conclusions, essentially, based on the following reasons (Kurtin). Essentially this works out as God is perfect but man is not, which means that God must exist because an imperfect being would not be capable of conceiving of a perfect one. In fairness, there are a number of flaws in Descartes thinking on this topic. He makes an assumption that because humanity is flawed then God must be perfect. Because God is perfect then man could never have invented a perfect being. However, none of these lines of thinking ever offer tangible proof of the existence of God. If works from the perspective, a biased one, because people wanted to believe in God. It seems likely that that Descartes was no different. However, as a philosopher he could not consider the reality without reflection and thought. He wanted God to be real so he created a logic that allows God to be real. This sort of thinking serves the thinker very well, but may not be received as well by
Friday, September 27, 2019
A SWOT Analysis of the Blackberry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A SWOT Analysis of the Blackberry - Essay Example SWOT Analysis Before 2002 the Blackberry was an ordinary two-way pager along with a thumb keyboard. Soon, it introduced the 5000 and 6000 series Blackberry and raised its market attraction with Java and e-mail features. The next launch of 7000 series included additional features such as full color screen and better web browsing. After the launch of 7100 series, the company focused the attention to capture the market of ordinary consumer rather than its past niche area of business professionals. In its desire to create a niche area of general consumers, the re-strengthening process began with the 8000 series, offering Wi-Fi capabilities, built in cameras, and memory enhancing alternatives. The latest 9000 series has heightened the Blackberry’s strengths with the inclusion of full HTML support for web pages, the capacity to receive RSS feeds, and other superior online social networking features (Vercillo, 2010). With this graph of innovative history, a SWOT analysis of the Black berry will show the mirror of what is in store for Blackberry. Strengths Till now the innovative past track of the Blackberry has enabled the RIM to capture a good chunk of the American market, with 37 percent of the US market for smart-phones relatively to its next nearest rival Windows Mobile at 26 percent (Hansberry, 2009). Smart Phone Market Shares for year of 2009 and last quarter 2009 SMARTPHONES Table 1 1 - Nokia . . . . 68 Million   39% 2 - RIM . . . . . 35 Million   20% 3 - Apple . . . . 25 Milllion   15% 4 - HTC . . . . . 8 Million   5% 5 - Others . . . 35 Million   21% Total . . . . . . 175 Million The above table indicates the overall market share of RIM’s smart-phones at 20 percent of the total sale of 175 million; it was next only to Nokia . A big part of this market power is from the business category of IT professionals, increasing its sales with BlackBerry Enterprise Server, as IT p rofessionals can manipulate its features like disabling multimedia add-ons such as the camera and music player to limiting the specific websites’ user experience. No rival so far has succeeded in providing this functionality from the IT aspect (Morisy, 2008). Weaknesses The weaknesses of the BlackBerry erupt from its stronghold on IT capabilities; the IT section of the Company is not as keen about add-on IT features as media, web browsing and others, which are nicely managed by Windows Mobile and others. It has been late in introducing the touch-screen capability (Vercillo, 2010). Not offering High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) on all models, RIM has become a soft target from the rival companies offering this capability at competitive cost on various models. This drawback of the company policy could prove costly in the long run (Chan, 2009). The Blackberry’s network architecture since the global outage of April 2007, although it happened on a small scale can bec ome a serious problem in future (Blackberry Blast, 2007). Opportunities The Blackberry Partners Fund can be a great opportunity for RIM, as it is being leveraged to develop downloadable applications for the BlackBerry from other companies (Gardner, 2008). This market has been captured by Apples iPhone, and the BlackBerry has not shown eagerness for this model of developing applications. Therefore,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
20th-CENTURY ART, MUSEUM PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
20th-CENTURY ART, MUSEUM PAPER - Essay Example Then the two works will be examined individually, seeking similarities and differences. Lastly, a summarizing conclusion will include this student’s impressions. Since the two paintings here were painted only three years apart, a look into the locations of their origin and influences is merited. The lives and works of both these artists changed when they gained new insights on the use of color: Matisse when he met John Peter Russell1, and Severini when he met Boccioni 2. Both lived and worked at a time when the world was making new relationships with scientific progress. Invention of new modes of transport kicked up speed; technology was increasing, and an industrial explosion made employment, and affordability of consumer items, available to all (or almost all). There was conflict in world politics that would soon lead to two world wars. Established traditions, and the depiction of nature and natural things, started to be replaced by a general interest in mechanization and synthetic substance3. Until then, art was sentimental and - with the exception of some expressionists’ work - largely representational: that is, it depicted persons, places, and things more or less as they were seen by a normal eye. With the advent of photography in the late 1800s, the need for pa inters to portray people, objects and places precisely was gone.4 In 1909, Futurism was introduced in Europe. It was a movement, started in Italy, that attacked the general fear of technology in everyday life. It had a written manifesto about an ‘exciting new world’ that could be represented in art.5 Severini was one of the first artists to sign the manifesto.6 He had an ear to the ground and felt what was coming. Matisse, on the other hand, was a friend of Picasso’s, an artist who greatly influenced modern art. They both moved in Parisian circles that questioned existing philosophy and established attitudes and beliefs: their art
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Climate Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Climate Change - Research Paper Example Extreme temperature is not suitable for sustaining life forms on earth. If the temperature rises beyond certain limits, survival of humans and animals on this earth would be difficult. It should be noted that there is equilibrium, with respect to the quantity of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide from atmosphere for photosynthesis and they liberate oxygen when the process is over. On the other hand, human and animals breathe oxygen and liberates carbon dioxide. Thus, the atmospheric content of oxygen and carbon dioxide follows a ratio all the time. However, when atmospheric temperature increases, survival of trees and plants would be difficult and thereby the ratio of oxygen with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will be spoiled. In other words, the content of carbon dioxide increases whereas that of oxygen decreases in the atmosphere because of atmospheric temperature rise. Such a situation is not suitable either for humans or all othe r living things. â€Å"Deforestation is an important factor in global climate change. It is estimated that more than 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are released to the atmosphere due to deforestation, mainly the cutting and burning of forests, every year†(Deforestation). ... In many villages women are hit the hardest by natural disasters. They often cannot swim, have fewer assets to turn to for alternative livelihoods when crops are destroyed, and have fewer employment opportunities away from the home. The perception of many villagers and local leaders is that the climate is already changing. The main problems were typhoons, unpredictable weather, and the threat of salt water intrusion from sea level rise and other factors (A report for Oxfam, 2008, p. 3-4). Floods, tsunamis, earthquake, hurricanes etc are some of the weather calamities caused by climate change problems. All these natural disasters can cause immense damage to human life and properties. The frequency of occurrence of these kinds of natural disasters has been increased a lot in the recent past. Many people believe that climate change problems are the major reasons behind it. The occurrence of unexpected weather calamities is causing huge damage to the life environment and agriculture. Huma n activities are causing huge damages to the environment. Heavy industrialization and increased automobile use result in increased use of fossil fuels. Increased use of fossil fuels causes big problems to the environment since fossil fuels have the ability to release toxic greenhouse gases to the atmosphere at the time of its burning. Land, water and air are getting polluted as time goes on because of unregulated industrialization and automobile use. Moreover, greenhouse gases have the ability to destroy the ozone layer at the top of the earth which is shielding us from the intrusion of harmful radiations from sun and outer universe. â€Å"Scientists believe that Global Warming will lead to a weaker Ozone
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Management 4100 Cultural Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Management 4100 Cultural Diversity - Essay Example he fast casual dining experience, of which Noodles & Company is part of, is also popular with consumers aged less than 24 years because it has an informal atmosphere and offers value for money, especially after the recent economic crisis. The largest segment that is expected to visit the restaurant will be those aged between 24 and 35, especially since this is the age group that frequents fast casual restaurants the most. The reason for this is the unhurried nature of service and the provisions that fast casual restaurants make for small children (Anthony 35). Most of those aged above twenty-four are expected to be both female and male, especially because those visiting Noodles & Company in this age group will be married. It is also expected that they will have small families, maybe between one and three children, and they will be in the middle-income bracket (Walker 54). Most of them will be employed with university education. Since this restaurant is to be opened in Qatar, it is expected that they will be Muslims; although, the world cup in 2022 is expected to bring in customers of all religions. This group is made up of strivers who attach importance to status and image, contended conformers who seek to be normal and follow trends, and are traditionalists who are averse to risk taking (Walker 56). For the 18-24 age group, both genders will be targeted. This age group will not be expected to have children with them, although most Noodles & Company restaurants in the US have seen a rise in couples visiting. Their income is expected to be relatively lower than the former, and they will be students in high school and university. This group is made up of self-actualizers who are exploring change, creative, and individualistic. They are also innovators who are setting their own achievement targets and are risk takers. Finally, they are esteem seekers who are materialistic and aspire for success symbols (Walker 57). Because the 18-24 age group was the most hit by the
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Roles of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Essay
The Roles of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Multinational Companies - Essay Example ggests that the economic functions must be exercised with a sensitive awareness of changing social values and priorities and the outer circle outlines newly emerging and still vague responsibilities that corporations should assume to become more actively involved in improving the social environment in which they operate (Shalhoub, 1999, p. 13). Theorists have identified four broad areas of strategic corporate responsibility that a MNC adopts, economic, legal, moral, and social. The main premise of the four areas is found in the basic nature of the corporation, which is a privately based, economic entity whose members are expected to make decisions that possesses a significant impact on a number of constituents (Brummer, 1991). Later MNCs realize that a corporation has not always all four responsibilities. When it came to the adoption of SCSR, global MNCs failed to respond effectively to the significant issues of their countries (Logsdon & Wood, 2005). It would not be wrong to say that multinational companies (MNCs) while responding to concerns like downsizing and environmental degradation took initiatives to demonstrate their social responsibility (Edwards et al, Feb 2007). This way the MNCs actually adopted SCSR to reduce their workforce through either voluntary or involuntary means or a combination of both. In other words, MNCs in order to defend themselves tend to adopt SCSR but with some concerns of which the most significant is the corporate downsizing in privately and publicly owned firms in recent years. The notion that MNCs have failed to adopt SCSR is depicted from some well-known examples. MNCs failure could be analysed by those protests and consumer boycotts that Nestle has experienced recently in selling its various products in Africa (Husted & Allen, 2006). Same is the case Nike has experienced as a result of child labour abuse in outsourcing in Asia. The global MNCs are unable to consider the cause of their failure which refers to those corporate
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Mini-report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mini-report - Research Paper Example The book has two central issues: the first argues whether Plato’s good morals are centered on individual humans or quasi-morals, the second issue is a discussion on what is good to them. The form of good in the republic is evaluated by different top philosophers and classicists. The book acts as an introduction to Plato’s philosophy thus equipping today’s students efficiently both in interpreting controversial issues and adding their ethical backgrounds. Terry has really worked hard in illustrating the admirable qualities in the republic of Plato. This is a result of her proficiency in writing; she’s the professor of philosophy in Wisconsin university together with the other authors. George Anastaplo, a scholar explains in this book how one can read and at the same tie enjoy texts from ancient authors. He illustrates how these great artists thought and discussed among themselves to come up with solutions of their time. In the book, the author does not mention the texts one by one but, but discusses what he has noticed or learnt from these individuals. His discussion ranges from the ancient Homer and Plato to Aristotle and Sappho. The author discusses how different these relate to chance, these include: art, nature, and divinity, this is in relation to different artworks from various philosophers. This is a book by the famous Christopher Taylor; he brings out a relationship between the infuriating and engaging figure and the historical Socrates that appears in most of Plato’s dialogues. He goes on and examines the big image in Socrates as a good example of a philosophic life. He emphasizes the influence of Socrates to the development western philosophies, without his play, it would have been a different thing. Socrates just had an influential figure in making advancements in philosophy; he wasn’t an author as well but played a
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Do the right thing by Spike Lee Essay Example for Free
Do the right thing by Spike Lee Essay I dearly love the film and maintain that its one of the great pictures from the last 10 years. I dont know what the director of this movie (Spike Lee) intended the moral to be, but my take on the film has always been that NO ONE does the right thing, and this is the cautionary element of the movie. The racial message about racial injustice is very deep and one that every race should see. The climax of the movie is very powerful and deep. The heat is blazing, tensions are running high (especially racial ones), and under this kind of pressure no one behaves according to common courtesy and decency. The entire film is a chain of uncontrolled outbursts of anger that lead to everyones misery. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability could be wrong, so is the belief that a particular race is superior to others. Anyone can have a belief like that black, white, whatever. I am not about to buy into this rhetoric that any race shoulders 100% of the blame for racism in America today. Indeed, but racism is a belief, not an action. Sociologists clearly delineate between prejudices and acts of discrimination. One can be racist (prejudice) and not act on it (discriminate). By the same token, one can discriminate against others and not hold racist beliefs (prejudice). There is simply no way, short of telepathy, to determine if anyone is truly racist. One can easily assume that Adolf Hitler was a racist based on his writings and horrific actions, but there is absolutely no way to know for sure that Hitler *truly* hated Jews or simply used the hatred of Jews as a convenient means to attain power. Anyway, those in a position of power have more opportunities to act discriminatorily than those without, but I see no evidence to suggest that The Powers That Be are more *likely* to engage in such behaviors. As such, a discriminatory action by a powerless person can be more effective than the lack of such an action by someone in power. Riots are NEVER true result of racism, but rather the violent, destructive impulses of citizens with no faith in the justice system to take matters into their own hands. They are simply an opportunity for a misguided youth, unsupervised or uninstructed on issued of morality, to appease their violent appetites by destroying the livelihood of someone who is not exactly like them. In every major example of the last 40 years in US, the violent rioters were not good citizens who felt pushed to the breaking point by some act of injustice, but degenerates whose prejudices against anyone with more money than they found an excuse in the politicized racial arguments to act out what they never truly cared to know was wrong (Heath Petraitis, 1987). The only result of a race riot is hatred, looting, and murder. It is not the answer to anything, and should never be treated as such. It is an insult to the millions of black citizens who seek to live their lives as normal, peaceful, law-abiding citizens of the United States to associate them with the few degenerate thieves and murderers who commit race riots (Singer Singer, 1986). Thats why Do the Right Thing has always touched its viewers. The ending turns a decent, fine comedy-drama into a vessel for class and race related hatred. I do believe in violence as a last measure to protect ones self, or their personal freedoms, or in the case of a moral war. Just look at my signature closing line. I do not in any way believe that the situation in Do the Right Thing presents a need for violence. It is merely a bunch of tempered people retaliating against the brutality of the police by burning an innocent mans pizza shop down, apparently only because he was a white business owner. That is sad. I think, really, this films central theme if there really is one is the path black men in America today face as inspired by their most prominent leaders. Radio Rahiem is easily the wisest in the entire film as hes aware of the dichotomy and thus tries to balance his existence under both directions fight the power constantly playing takes on an entire new meaning here as the film doesnt really know what the power is that PE wants us to fight. Rahiem knows though, its the self. Pretty amazing imagery. But on the other hand, he rarely speaks but instead relies on his radio to speak for him. Likewise, he doesnt understand his own rhetoric on the nature of love and hate. That made him as racist as any other character in the film, with the possible but unlikely exception of smiley, and brings his own death on himself. I wondered what would be the cops reactions if racial positions had been reversed (ie a black mans pizzeria, a white man accidentally killed after basically making a complete, hostile mess of himself, then resisting arrest etc) Would a white cops strangle a white man to death? Thats where racial issues arise. I was upset at the death of radio Rahiem, but just couldnt escape the fact that he had brought it on himself. No one deserves to die like that. But if he had avoided escalating a completely unnecessary confrontation by assaulting Sal, he wouldnt have died. He was responsible for his own death, just as Sal was responsible for the destruction of the pizzeria (very nearly his own death) when he destroyed Rahiems radio. Radio Raheem was pissed off, his whole existence was that radio. Sure he physically assaulted him, but he didnt say anything like, Ill kill you. Maybe if Radio said in an earlier scene Man Im gonna kill that irk bastard etc. Id be more apt to agree that Radio Rahiem intent was to kill Sal. Technically Sal brought the destruction of the pizzeria on himself too, by (through the chain of events) not putting up pictures of brothers on the walls; but it is his pizzeria and he was within his rights to do so. He yelled racist epithets which is a direct act of aggression and smashed someones property to pieces. Instead of destroying someones property, he should have called the police to escort Buggin out and Radio Rahim. Radio Rahiem was NOT within his rights when he entered the store and refused to turn his radio down. Of course Sal and Radio Rahiem are both racists, everyone in the film is. No one did the right thing in the end, but the unfortunate fact is that, in the final encounter with Radio Rahiem, Sal was just a little more right than Radio Rahiem. Imagine Radio Rahiem and Sal were both black (or white.) Imagine the ultimate reasons behind the clash were not racially based. Radio Rahiem is the aggressor, and because of this, ultimately audience sympathy would lie with Sal. Radio Raheem and Buggin Out were trying to bully an innocent business owner. It was Sals restaurant, if they did not like his regulations than they could leave, but he was entirely within his rights to demand for them to either leave or turn off the music. He certainly gave fair warning, and he never ever tried to physically harm anyone until Radios attack. While it is unfortunate Radio died, he simply was not worth the destruction that was carried out in his name. I also find it mystifying that Mookie, supposedly the levelheaded character in the movie, was so superficial that he blamed Sal for Radios death. I cannot reconcile myself with the notion that Mookie throwing the trash can through the pizzeria window was even remotely doing the right thing. I sympathize a lot with Sal, but I also sympathize with Mookie. Sal also cared a lot about the black in Bastury, and was genuinely hurt when some of them turned against him. I will vehemently argue that Sals character is not racist; he drops an n-word at the end, but the man is watching his lifes work being torched by arson at the hands of a group of African-Americans; his outburst is understandable and forgivable. Vito, Lees Sister, and the baby are as decent as people could be. Da Mayor is a good man who has made mistakes but is trying to change so at this point hes a good man trying to be a better man. He does drink too many beers with little money, though. One thing that always confused me about this film (although its one of my favorites) is why Mother Sister painfully screams noooo, when only a few minutes beforehand, she was right with the crowd yelling burn it! burn it! it seems like a bit of a flaw to me, but I could be wrong. My guess is the Burn it down Burn it down is with respect to the pizzeria. The noooo is with respect to radio Rahiems death. Lets assume that the film is about the cyclical nature of violence. Does Spike Lee( the director) think that all violence is bad or only certain violence is? After reading Martin Luther Kings quote I thought it was all violence; after reading Malcolm Xs quote I got the message that some violence is ok. I know that Blacks have been prejudiced against for a long time, but I dont see how violence ever solved their problem. It seems to me that Martin Luther Kings non-violence approach ultimately did much more to further equality than Malcolm Xs approach of violence-sometimes-needed approac h. The cops didnt necessarily care for Sal or anyone there. They didnt kill Rahiem because they wanted revenge. They did a right think by choking Rahiem, but they should have weakened him enough to handcuff him and then have thrown him in the police car. I doubt either Clubbing or strangling will ever equate to, to use your words, holding him in place until he calmed down. I doubt those are the only options law enforcement officers have. They shouldnt have killed him. It was an extreme use of force pure and simple. The key being that if as you say they were trying to prevent Sal from being chocked by a criminal than why didnt they release their choke hold on Radio Rahiem after he had let go of Sal? They kept choking him long after he was a threat to anyone and it was obvious he himself was being choked to death. Why did they not throw him to the ground at that time and handcuff him? They didnt even try. In the film, Da Mayor says you gotta Do The Right Thing. Rahiem does not because he wont respect Sals wishes to turn off or turn down the radio (Also didnt respect Sals decision to represent only his culture in the pizzeria). Bugging Out is just a racist who knows nothing and wants to pretend to have a calling so he rides in on Radios coattails. Rahiem did the wrong thing and Sal did nothing wrong until he uttered the N-word. I dont think Sal meant it in that way. He was angry so he exploited a characteristic of Radios boom box. The people were angry at Sal for saying the n-word but they didnt go against Sal. They got confused and yelled. Then the police came in and everything went up in flames. Obviously, a spark leads to a fire. The spark: The police killing Rahiem. The Fire: The mob. It was understandable for there to be a riot and it was understandable that they got angry at white men in general because they are black people and they live in an ugly area. But just because its understandable, doesnt mean its right. The name of the movie is Do The Right Thing. And to be honest, even though thats very straight and very literal, towards the end it becomes ironic. The moment that they could do the right thing, they did the worst thing of them all. And that riot could have been right but it went wrong. Their anger went in the wrong direction. Things just happen. Sals pizzeria going down in flames is symbolic of the fact that people just destroy each other. And in the end, the face of the oppressor (The white man) is thrown on every white body and someone with the face of the oppressor is oppressed. Well, theres a line (Not from this movie) that goes You become the monster so the monster will not break you. You become what you terrify you. And in this case, the oppressed (The black community) gets so fed up (Throughout the entire movie, there is talk of there recently being a police brutality situation involving black civilians being killed) with being oppressed that they become what they hate and they oppress someone else: Someone whos been more of a family member to them then most of their families has a different face than they do. He has the face of the monster, and they dont like past skin deep and treat him the way they should treat the people who do oppress them. And its painful and we dont know what to think. Im the least racist person in the world and Im also the person who is more annoyed than anyone with jokes being allowed to be made about white people and not about black people. I dont like going to the park and having some guy say, White boy, dont want none of this. It irritates me because I want plenty. Sometimes it gets so hard to hear all the unfairness and listen to a persons lack of understanding for another. This film is just a day. Its the hottest day of the summer. You can do nothing, you can do something, or you can Do The Right Thing. You can. So do it.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant The Development and Evolution of Gregorian Chant For centuries, Gregorian chant was considered the official music of the Catholic Church. Naturally, this degree of importance placed on the genre gives it considerable significance, both religious and cultural. Its exact beginnings, however, are not absolutely known. Also, chant has changed over time due to it being based on practices of the Church, which have also changed over time due to decrees by various popes, agendas of monastic orders, and the influences of and intermingling of cultures, such as the Franks, Romans, and Byzantines. Although the name of Gregorian chant is derived from Pope Gregory I â€Å"The Great†, it has its roots much earlier in history, predating Christianity. In fact, Christian chant is believed to have been originally derived from Judaism, as there was a considerable amount of common ground between Jewish and early Christian liturgies (Werner 20). This is seen through writings of the early church which show that the early Christian church was heavily influenced by Hebrew worship (Barton). However, there is little information available from chants of early centuries compared to Gregorian chant and other chants of later centuries (Hiley 478). One reason for this is that musical notation for chants of this time did not exist, for at this time chants were an entirely oral rather than written tradition. Also contributing to this lack of information is that early Christians were persecuted, forcing private worship until the Edict of Milan of 313, which gave Christians the right of freed om of worship in Rome (484). Due to this freedom, Christianity could afford to become more formalized and organized, its music included. There is further ambiguity surrounding the specific origins of Gregorian chant in considering Pope Gregory himself. What Gregorys influence was on Gregorian chant is debatable, as there is limited evidence supporting that he either had a great deal of influence on the genre, such as directly composing chants, or virtually none (513). However, two pieces of evidence support a common theory of his involvement in the creation of Gregorian chant that was known throughout the Middle Ages, which are two books written by Pope Gregory. These two books, entitled Antiphonarium and Graduale Romanum, are compilations of already existing chants that Pope Gregory designated for specific parts of Catholic mass which supports the theory that his involvement was limited to such compilations (D‘Silva). An example of Gregorys ordering to use specific music in liturgy is him mandating that the Allelulia be used during mass for an entire year (Apel 41). Despite the lack of specific information concerning the beginnings of chant that would later evolve to become Gregorian chant, the origins of Gregorian chant as it was known throughout the Middle Ages are more clear, as music books, although they still were not musically notated, of the genre were created by the Franks at around the 9th century, making the genre easier to trace through history to that point (Hiley 514). Note that it was not until the 10th century that sources were created containing musical notation, namely being musically annotated Graduals and Antiphonals from the Codex 359 (Apel 52). Also, it was not until the 11th century that music was annotated in a way so that tunes could be read (53). In addition to these musical books, various manuscripts were written that outlined liturgical proceedings, allowing for further clarification of the specifics of Gregorian chant (53). The peoples who ruled the area that is roughly present-day France played a large role in forming Gregorian chant to what it is, from the Franks to the Carolingians (Hiley 512). This started under the rule of the Frank king Pepin, who lead the Franks to control much of Europe through military conquest, spreading the culture of chant to the Franks, and also causing reforms to Gregorian chant by the Franks and their successors (513). In addition to causing chant to be more widespread, the intervention of the Franks also caused Gregorian chant to evolve from further influences (513). Not only did the influence of the Franks allow the beginnings of Gregorian chant to be seen more easily, as was described previously, but their musical texts also show the original motives behind its development, the main motive being to help control how the liturgy was run by assigning specific chants to certain parts of the liturgy, as was done by Pope Gregory (515). In the case of the Franks (namely Pepin and also Charlemagne), the reasoning behind trying to control the specifics of the liturgy was so that it would become standardized since many members of the church were influenced by their own local traditions in structuring the liturgy, which Frank leadership was trying to suppress (Barbon). Of course, due to the amount of time between Pope Gregorys writings and the adoption of chant by the Frankish church (300 years), it can be safely assumed that the liturgical assignments of the Franks were different than those of Pope Gregory. More changes were made as well in Gregorian chant, including the style of singing, such as the combining of both Roman and Frankish singers, although eventually a return to a more Roman styled liturgy and type of singing occurred among the Franks (Hiley 517). Since writing texts for the chants was still not common practice and musical notation for them did not yet exist, it follows that the Franks had to learn Roman liturgy and chants by memory when this shift back to strictly Roman liturgy occurred. This also denotes that the number of chants that were used and popular were not too numerous at this point in time, as they could still be all memorized. Despite the shift back to a Roman style liturgy, over the years and into the 9th century to the start of the rule of the Carolingians, who succeeded the Franks, Gregorian chant continued to evolve as new musical elements were added to the genre by the Franks and more compositions were created (Hiley 517). Some of these changes were brought on by outside influences on Gregorian chant, such as by the Byzantines, who developed the eight mode system (529). The fact that the amount of compositions of Gregorian chant were increasing can be tied in with the development of written musical texts around this time period, causing Gregorian chant to shift away from a strictly oral tradition, for it would no longer be possible to memorize all of the chants necessary as their numbers grew. As the popularity of Gregorian chant grew, it underwent several more reforms and evolutions, mostly during the 12th and 13th centuries (Hiley 608). An example of such a reform was more specific notation being used in writing chant, which included specifying pitch, among other specific musical elements (608). Another reform was the tendency to drift away from previous melodies of the Middle Ages, creating a type of chant called â€Å"Neo-Gallican†chant (609). Many of these changes made to Gregorian chant were initiated by various orders, two major ones being the Cistercians, who believed in performing the liturgy as it was done originally, and the Dominicans, whose reforms, like the efforts of many before it, were aimed at standardizing the liturgy (612). Gregorian chant did not enjoy constant growth and popularity, however. After the 12th century, the popularity and growth of Gregorian chant started to wane, presumably due to a period of reduced popularity of the Catholic Church (DSilva). Also, around the 16th century the Catholic Church was threatened by Protestantism, which also played a part in decreasing the popularity of the church, thus affecting the popularity of traditional monastic liturgies and music (Hiley 615). Another such period of decadence for the church and for Gregorian chant was during the age of Enlightenment, as less emphasis was placed on the church and God and instead more on the individual and reason. As a result of this new ideology, the power and influence of the church began to decline. In addition to the general ideology of the time, another reason for the decline of the Church was the political struggle caused by the French Revolution, which caused a reform in the French church so that it no longer observed previous monastic traditions (Bergeron xii). Due to Gregorian chants close association with the church, its popularity began to decline as well (Barton). This causes yet another obstacle in acquiring information about Gregorian chant and thus makes it more difficult to interpret today as the knowledge of how to interpret various medieval musical notations was lost (Barton). A large factor of why Gregorian chant did not die out completely is the involvement of monks at the French monastery at Solesmes, and other such monasteries, who during the 19th century were commissioned by Pope St. Pius X to modernize Gregorian chant (DSilva). They achieved this by removing the strict association that Gregorian chant had with the church, secularizing it and adding a meditative, â€Å"trancelike appeal†(DSilva). In the end, Gregorian chant was changed to be more akin to classical Roman chant than the Gregorian chant of the Middle Ages. As a result, the chant that is known today as Gregorian chant is more similar to early plainchant rather than what was originally dubbed as â€Å"Gregorian chant†(DSilva). As a result of this change of the style of Gregorian chant, along with the declining power of the Catholic Church and thus the popularity of Gregorian chant, it is difficult to know what Gregorian chant of the Middle Ages exactly sounded like (Barton). Another factor that contributes to this is the lack of musical notation with text in the Middle Ages, and that some of the notation that does exist from the time period cannot be interpreted due to these periods of decrease in popularity. Overall, the fact that chant was originally a purely oral tradition that consisted of few enough chants that could be memorized, along with Gregorian chants affiliation with a religion that was originally persecuted and later declining in popularity, contributes to the murkiness of the origins of Gregorian chant. Also, the fact that Christianity underwent significant changes from the time of its conception to modern times results in equally significant changes occurring in the style of music that was so closely affiliated with its prominent church, even causing Gregorian chant to nearly die out on several occasions in history. However, despite the several bouts of decrease in popularity that Gregorian chant experienced, it is currently one of the oldest forms of music that is actively listened to today (DSilva). Also, the many changes that Gregorian chant underwent throughout history makes it very unique, as it cannot be entirely attributed to any specific event, person, or even nation or empire. Instead, as David Hiley states, â€Å"†¦Gregorian chant is neither of one specific time, nor wholly Roman, nor wholly anything else†(Hiley 513). Works Cited Apel, Willi. Gregorian Chant. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990. Print. Barton, Louis W. G.. The Culture of Medieval Music Calligraphy: Historical Background of Neume Notation / The Neume Notation Project.. N.p., 8 Dec. 2003. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. . Bergeron, Katherine. Decadent Enchantments: The Revival of Gregorian Chant at Solesmes (California Studies in 19th Century Music). Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998. Print. DSilva, Neil Valentine. The History Of Gregorian Chant. Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. . Hiley, David. Western Plainchant: A Handbook. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 1995. Print. Werner, Eric. The Sacred Bridge: The Interdependence of Liturgy Music in Synagogue and Church During the First Millenium. Columbia: Columbia University Press, 1960. Print.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Punishment Quote in The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers
Punishment Quote “Only the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the penalty can be punished; the other can only be hurt.'; This is a very interesting quote, and depending what you make of it, it can be very confusing. To most people this quote might not mean anything, but you must read it and try to understand it. Though this quote can relate to a persons personality, it also might not relate to a person at all. All people are different and think differently than others. Almost everybody in the world has a different understanding of what is wrong and what is right, and also of what should be punished and what should not be punished. Â Â Â Â Â The quote “Only the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the penalty can be punished; the others can only be hurt,'; may have many meanings to many different people. To me this quote means that if a person does not know or does not believe that what they have done to be punished is bad, then the punishment will mean nothing to them. If the person thinks that they did nothing wrong, and thinks there is no reason for them to be punished, then the punishment will mean nothing to them. The person will gain nothing, they will gain no knowledge from their act or their punishment. There are a lot of reasons why people do not understand the concept of punishment in the world. People think very differently from others, therefore, people will have different beliefs of what is right and what is wrong. A person might consider one thing to be a wrong action and the need to be punished, while another person thinks the opposite. They might think it is not wrong and there is no need for punishment. If actions are not dealt with correctly, punishment will be of no use. People will become out of control and there will be nothing but chaos in the world we live in. Â Â Â Â Â This quote relates to the book, The Scarlet Letter, as well as all of its characters quite a bit. In fact the whole book, from what I have read, is mainly about punishment, while this quote is also about punishment. The main character of The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne, must deal with a major punishment for her actions. Hester Prynne realizes that what she did was wrong and she accepted the punishment willingly, she even made and sewed the “A'; herself.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Causes of Self Hatred and How to Combat It :: Essays Papers
The Causes of Self Hatred and How to Combat It Every other ethnic background seems to stand up for itself and demand respect when it is being discriminated against. If we look back over the history of this country we will find group after group that defend their rights. Groups that do not want to be portrayed in a negative light within the culture and groups that insist upon compensation for what Americans and the American society has done to them. Why, then, when we look at Italian Americans, do we tend to see a group of people who in effect renounce who they are and do not embrace their heritage? There are many reasons for this quite common denouncement. The first is an attempt to assimilate. â€Å"By 1930, more than 4.5 million Italians had entered the United States,†; that is, a third of the population left Italy within the fifty years leading up to 1930 (Mangione 33). These Italians immigrated to this country with the hope that they would find food, jobs and financial security. Instead, they found, often times, worse conditions than they had left behind in Italy. This humungous population was the largest immigration from any one country to ever enter the United States. These people were in need and when they arrived they were ready to work and to earn their wages, which could lead to comfort and happiness. They came in hopes of finding â€Å"the American dream.†As a whole, this group was not looking for handouts, but merely for opportunities. Unfortunately, they were met with opposition. As the History Channel’s documentary on Italian Americans states, Italians were told that in America they would find â€Å"streets paved with gold, only to arrive and realize they had to dig the streets.†So, these immigrants picked up shovels and went to work. But they quickly found opposition to their efforts. The Irish, who had come a few years prior to the Italians, did not appreciate the Italians’ willingness to perform hard labor jobs for small wages. The Irish began to feel threatened and soon a rivalry rose between the two groups. This was unfortunate, for both groups, because they were both primarily Catholic. But, this common ground became a divider and not a connector between the two groups.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Prejudice, Racism and the Law in Canada Essay -- Sociology Racism Prej
Racism and the Law in Canada       In the 1900’s a prominent English scholar Gilbert Murray said: â€Å"There is in the world a hierarchy of races;[some] will direct and rule the others, and the lower work of the world will tend in the long run to be done by the lower breeds of men. This we of the ruling colour will no doubt accept as obvious.†(Walker; 1997) It was very true at the time; everywhere you looked you could see that white men assumed all roles of responsibility. Canada has been fighting a never-ending war against racism in the 19th century. It. It has modified or created many laws to help try to combat the discrimination that exists within our country. Canada has modified its immigration act to make it less discriminatory. It has created the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to bring equality to everyone and it has, created human rights acts to protect people of different races.         Before we talk about the laws that Canada has put into motion to help combat racism we must first define what racism is. The term Racism is hard to define. Racism is more then just an attitude; it is a policy or practice of persecution or domination by one group over another. Due to this explanation the word racism is not found in statutes or court decisions to the same extent as the word discrimination. Discrimination in the ordinary sense of the word means to treat a person or group differently because of prejudice. However in the legal sense this definition had been expanded to include human rights. Today the word discrimination can include concepts such as adverse effect, or unintentional discrimination, and harassment. Both discrimination and racism come from prejudice. In short prejudice means to pre-judge. In other wo... ...nada, 1900-1950, Toronto, Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 1999  Boyko John, Last Steps to Freedom: The evolution of Canadian Racism, Manitoba, Watson & Dwyer Publishing ltd., 1998  Cohen Tannis, Race Relation and the Law, 1987  Comack Elizabeth and others Locating Law, Halifax, Fernwood Publishing, 1999  Driedger Leo and Shiva Halli, Race and Racism Canada’s Challenge, Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000  Knopff Rainer, Human Rights & Social Technology, Ottawa, Carlton University Press, 1990  Schnederman David and Kate Sutherland, Charting the Consequences: The Impact of the Charter of rights on Canadian law and Politics, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1997.  Walker James, â€Å"Race," Rights and the Law in the Supreme Court of Canada, Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1997 Â
Monday, September 16, 2019
Marriage and Affianced Pair Essay
1. Identify and describe the folkways that happened in your hometown during the last ten years and compare it today. Include the dressing, relationship between parents and children and the customs and traditions. 1. Mano Po – Blessing of the hand/ means â€Å"right†[opposite of â€Å"left†] and po is a word you say to show respect. Before – Usually, it’s the kids who execute the â€Å"Mano Po†although adults will also do this especially when visiting their parents, or the parents of their girlfriend. Now – the kids are not using â€Å"Mano Po†and it seems that some kids today are disrespectful to elders. But some kids are â€Å"Sosyal†because instead of using â€Å"Mano Po†, they’re just kiss their parents or elders to show their respect. 2. Po and Opo – Kind of respect you use among elders in the Filipino culture. It’s also a custom provided in the Philippines. Opo is actually 2 words. PO and o. O generally means yes or what. Po is just added on to certain sentences in Tagalog to mean respect for older people. Before – kids are saying Po and Opo to elders to show their respect. Now – some kids are not saying Po and Opo that’s why it shows that they are disrespectful. 3. Bayanihan – Filipino term taken from the word bayan, referring to a nation, town or community. The whole term bayanihan refers to a spirit of communal unity or effort to achieve a particular objective. Before – people are helping each other to achieve a particular objective. Now – they do not help each other and sometimes they don’t care if you need help. 4. Harana – an old Filipino courtship tradition of serenading women, probably a Spanish influence. It has been practiced mostly in rural areas and small towns. Before – The man, usually accompanied by his close friends, goes to the house of the woman he is courting and plays music and sings love songs to her. Now – Serenade is not popular. Because today, you can court a girl by simply texting her or sending a text messages or court a girl even in other gadgets or through technology and a girl can say yes to a boy through technology also. 5. Pamamanhikan – From the word panik [which means to ascend or to climb a house’s flight of stairs], pamamanhikan is â€Å"the asking for the girl’s parents’ permission to wed the affianced pair.†The custom symbolizes honor and respect for the parents, seeking their blessing and approval before getting married. Before – the man is going to a woman’s house to ask for the girl’s parents’ permission to wed the affianced pair. Now – even if the man did not went to a woman’s house to ask girl’s parents’ permission to wed the affianced pair, the man can still marry the woman. And sometimes, the couple are going to marry each other not because they’re ready or they’re really love each other. But because they have a baby. 6. Wearing formal clothes to church Before – people who are going to church to attend a mass are wearing a formal clothes. They are wearing long sleeves or t-shirts, pants, and dresses. Now – people who are going to church to attend a mass are wearing informal clothes. They are wearing clothes that are spaghetti straps and almost see their cleavage, mini skirts or shorts, sando’s, and sometimes they are wearing cap. 7. Saying please, thank you and excuse me Before – people who have hurt anyone would say I’m sorry; people who have received goods would say thank you; and people who have a favour or request would say please. Now – people who have hurt anyone wouldn’t say I’m sorry; people who have received goods wouldn’t say thank you; and people who have a favour or request wouldn’t say please. 2. List and compare the values of the past Filipino culture as to how it is practiced in our generation. (provide examples) 1. Tattoos used to be a big practice. There are very few left who can do the traditional tattooing. It is said that a ring of tattoo is done for every war you survive/ every man you kill. It starts from the ankles, and extends to the forehead. You have to at least reach the neckline to become a chieftan. 2. Male Circumcision is also a tradition handed down, and it is still being continued today. 3. Some people still give dowrys. Unlike dowry for westerners (which is given by females), dowry in the Philippines is offered by the groom to the bride’s family to show how much he values their daughter, or literally, how much he is willing to give to get her hand in marriage. It’s not practiced much now, except for some regions. 4. Filipino cultural values are centered around family and the Roman Catholic Church. Filipinos’ home life centers around family. Elders in the family are highly respected and generally live in the homes of the adult children. Children often reside in their parents’ home until marriage. Many social activities are based around family. 5. Filipinos are known to be devout Roman Catholics. Their Good Friday processions are world-famous for including re-enactments of the Crucifixion. All major religious holidays are observed and celebrated. Churchgoing in the Philippines is often not restricted to just Sundays; many Filipinos attend daily Mass, although this trend is decreasing.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Student Attendance Monitoring
Wale in partial fulfillment of the Requirements in Computer Programming NC-IV ,has been examined and is commended for your approval and acceptance this August , 2014. DIRT Adviser The Oral Examination Committee Oral Examination Grade Ms. Germinal F. Malice Ms . Sheens Rose F. Beguiler Faculty Member Ms. Made L. Soon School President Faculty Member Approved and Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Computer Programming NC IV Ms. Mandela. Soon I would like to dedicate this project to our Lord God, who gave us strength and power to do our tasks every day.Secondly, I sincerely dedicate this project to our beloved School President Ms. Made L. Soon and to all tech staff who never get tired of us to teaches, accommodated and support us even in awkward time. And lastly, to our supportive Parent's, who always there to guide us and gave their moral support. Acknowledgement I wish to thank Ms. Made L. Soon our School President, for supporting and helping us in making this syste m. Without their support we would not have realized our dream to fulfill this challenge in our life of study.We can only promise to pay back by availing our skills to this school of tech Computer Academy. I also want to thank our parents for supporting us to make this project. And we also want to express our appreciation to our classmates and friends who helped us in one way or another during the course of developing this project. So, thank you to all people who helped and support us. I also want to thank our Father God who give us the knowledge and wisdom to make this project, without his help and guidance we can never to this project, so We thank him a lot for helping us.Abstract I system entitled â€Å"tech Computerized Student Attendance Monitoring System†, helps our faculty to manage the schedule of a student in proper way. Our system was developed in Visual Basic 6. With Diversification using Microsoft Access Application. This system will make text information of studen ts of this school. After developing this research project it will help and easy to monitor the attendance of all students. Through the use of search engine the information you wants to know will appear.The Research project will be discuss and presented with sample programs, on how to create a simple Student Attendance Monitoring System using a Microsoft Access. Chapter l: Introduction Background of the Study The attendance monitoring system is a system that would check and record the attendance of a student in a class. Similar to the ID swiping machine at the entrance of each college in the university, this machine will be placed in each classroom to precisely monitor the students and the professor in their respective classes this system is software-based because of its storage of inputs that could be viewed in any compatible browser.The system Background of the Study The attendance monitoring system is a system that would check and record the attendance of a student in a class. Sim ilar to the ID swiping machine at the entrance of each college in the university, this machine will be placed in each classroom to precisely monitor the dents and the professor in their respective classes. Statement of the Problem General Problem How does â€Å"decompositions Student Attendance Monitoring System†helps the faculty to keep and secured the attendance of the student?Specific Problem 1 . What is the profile of your respondents in terms of the following: a. Age b. Gender c. Course 2. What is the importance of â€Å"tech Computerized Student Attendance Monitoring System†? 3. What is the advantages of â€Å"tech Computerized Student Attendance Monitoring System†? 4. Why do we need to implement the â€Å"tech Computerized Student Attendance Monitoring System helps the tech Computer Academy? Hypothesis Age, gender and course do not affect the variables involved in the Computerized Student Attendance Monitoring System. Objectives of the Study 3 Significa nce of the Study A â€Å"Student Attendance Monitoring System†, will be used by the faculty to check easily the Attendance of the students of tech Computer Academy Inc. This proposed project will give information on how to monitor Students using this system. It will benefit the user because it aims to help the faculty easier. It also helps the Admit monitoring more efficient. Scope and Delimitation This research project will focus on the topic on Student Attendance Monitoring. The researchers came up with the approach of using database which contains a list of names, dates and time on when they arrived. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework A Student Attendance Monitoring System (SAM) is being developed to provide a reliable, secure, and efficient method of recording student attendance. The project involves two phases of IT development. The first part involves the development of SAM within SAP Student Lifestyle Management (Slam) and integration with Syllabus Plus and a scanning so lution. It also includes the development of an on-line student absence notice form with document management and appropriate workflow for approval and updating of attendance record.SAP Business Warehouse will be used to produce reports of absence including incorporation of records available in other systems (e-Portfolio and Blackboard) to enable comprehensive reporting of attendance. The second part of the project is the collection of in-class attendance data. Paradigm Input Process Output Benefits Users: Faculty Admit. Computerized Student Attendance Monitoring System. Ready to access About Students Information. The user easily monitors the students. This system provides a security here in tech Computer Academy Inc.Data: Visual Basic Database Microsoft Access Minimize the effort of the Blue Desk Focal. Device: Monitor Mouse Keyboard System Unit These hardware devices are the most important tools for easy findings information about the system. 6 Definition of terms Students- a person engaged in study; one who is devoted to learning a learner. Computer- is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and automatically manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format. Visual Basic- is a arrogating language developed in 1991 as a simple method of creating Graphic User Interfaces, or Guy's.Visual basic was an early example of an object-oriented programming language. The programming environment is also an easy-to-use GUI system. Icons- are the small graphical image that represents files, folder or application. Microsoft Word- or simply as WORD is a word processing application that supplies you with all the important tools that you need in creating a wide variety of documents such as memos, outlines, newsletters, etc. Word provides you a window called word window where you can create your documents. Attendance-is the act or fact of attending (being present at) work.Monitoring- is an intermittent (regular or irregular) series of observations in time, car ried out to show the extent of compliance with a formulated standard or degree of deviation from an expected norm. 7 Related literature Local Literature Saint Marry University â€Å"Students Attendance Monitoring System†Booming Uneven Vicar A computerized system that will facilitate a faster and easier checking of student's attendance during the implementation of departmental and/or institutional programs is now being utilized at the School of SIT.The system was developed BMW. Rogue B. Tabor, an IT instructor whose objectives in developing the system are the following: to make the checking of attendance easier and faster, to keep accurate records of students attendance, to eradicate or at least minimize complaints of students on erroneous data on attendance, and to inspire IT students to develop computerize systems that will make processes easier. 8 Foreign Literature The University Senate has agreed a unified University policy on attendance monitoring for all home and inter national students.This is to ensure equity of treatment across the whole student population and enable attendance monitoring to e an effective tool for identifying any problems at an early stage and offering students appropriate support. Departments are therefore required to monitor attendance and review engagement with the programmer of study, for all home and international students. Two documents entitled â€Å"SAM Policy & Guidance for Depth (with effect from 2012-13)†and â€Å"Policy Appendix: Guidance for Depth relating to Checkpoints†are available (see Downloads box on the right).Systems for Attendance Monitoring The University has developed central Student Attendance Monitoring (SAM) systems o assist departments in recording both student attendance throughout the year and student engagement at specific Check Points during the year. These systems include a Reporting Facility to assist in monitoring and reviewing student attendance/ engagement data. Further info rmation and guidance on the various systems available can be found at: http://www. Sheaf. C. UK/SD/Sam 9 Chapter Ill Methodology The â€Å"tech Computerized Students Attendance Monitoring System†aims to help the Faculty to easily monitor the studentship's Computer Academy Inc. The respondents are the students of this institution. We make a questionnaire to gather information. Research Design In this research study I used the descriptive and quantitative type of research to be obtained information among the faculty and staffs of tech Computer Academy Inc.Malicious, Panamanian. Respondent My respondents are the faculty and student of ‘Tech Computer Academy Inc. The selected respondent is composed of 186 members. Statistical Treatment For the statistical treatment, the researchers will use the frequency distribution and the percentage for the computation of the sample size. N=Sample Size n=number of the respondents E=margin of error 11 Research Design 12
Exercises and Problems Essay
Carry Yoki’s Lounge consists of the following. Carry, the owner believed that people would come to hear a band play on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening. During the remainder of the week, she believed her customers would watch sporting events on several television sets located throughout the lounge. Carry employed two bartenders, three servers, two assistant servers, two cooks, one dishwasher and a clean-up person. She had a bar, 15 barstools, 4 tables, 40 chairs, 4 television sets, and one satellite dish. She had an oven, stove, grill, refrigerator, sinks, dishes, and glassware. Carry started this business with $50,000 of her own money, and she borrowed $150,000 from the bank. From this description, list each of the scarce resources that are used in Carry Yoki’s Lounge. Entrepreneurial resource: Carry Yoki. Labor resources: 2 bartenders, 3 servers, 2 assistant servers, 2 cooks, 1 dishwasher, and a clean-up person. Economic capital resources: 1 bar, 15 bar stools, 4 tables, 40 chairs, 4 television sets, one satellite dish, oven, stove, grill, refrigerator, sinks, dishes, and glassware. Financial capital resources: $50,000 of her own money and $150,000 from the bank. Joe Fixit has an appliance repair business. He has more business than he can handle and wants to hire another repair person. Joe estimates that three appliances can be repaired each hour by a qualified person. Joe bills out labor at $45 per hour, but he stipulates that the minimum charge for appliance repair estimates is $30 plus parts. What is the marginal revenue product of a qualified repair person? 3 appliance repairs per hour times $30 = $90 marginal revenue product. What is the maximum hourly wage that he would pay an employee? Therefore, since we bring in an additional $90 per hour by hiring one more repair person, the maximum wage we would pay is $90. Sam Smith is currently employed as a mechanical engineer and is paid $65,000 per year plus benefits that are equal to 30% of his salary. Sam wants to begin a consulting firm and decides to leave his current job. After his first year in business, Sam’s accountant informed him that he had made $45,000 with his consulting business. Sam also notices that he paid $6,000 for a health insurance policy, which was his total benefit during his first year. What was Sam’s opportunity cost? Sam gave up $65,000 in salary plus $19,500 in benefits or a total of $84,500. Sara Lee just graduated from college with a degree in accounting. She had five job offers: Bean Counters CPA, $35,000; Assets R Us, $27,000; The Debit Store, $30,000; J & J’s CPA’s, $33,000; and The Double Entry Shop, $40,000. What was her opportunity cost if she accepted the job with The Double Entry Shop? Sara gave up Bean Counters CPA at $35,000 which was the highest value surrendered. Sam Club earned $50,000 and paid taxes of $10,000. Samantha Heart earned $60,000 and paid taxes of $12,000. If these taxes were paid to the same government agency, is the tax on income progressive, regressive, or proportional? Why did you reach this conclusion? As show below these taxes are proportional because they both paid the same percentage of their income in taxes. 6.You read an article in this morning’s paper that stated inflation was accelerating and would reach six percent this year. If the FED believes this statement and it has set a goal of three percent inflation, what will it likely do at the next meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee? They would most likely raise the discount rate, the federal funds rate, or both. They could also sell more government securities to decrease the money supply. 7.A friend came into your office and said that his bank was out to kill small businesses. You asked him what he meant by this remark, and he said that he read an article that said his bank had just loaned $10 million to a major automobile manufacturer at a rate of 3 percent, which is less than prime. But your friend just borrowed $50,000 from the same bank and they charged him prime plus four percent, or 7.5 percent. Your friend has been in business for two years, and last year he had a loss of $2,000. How can you explain this difference in interest rate to your friend? The bank charges interest based upon risk. The probability of the automobile manufacturer defaulting on the loan is very remote; therefore, they get a favorable interest rate from the bank. Since your friend lost money last year and since over 40 percent of all small businesses fail in the first five years, the bank’s risk is much higher and therefore they will charge a higher interest rate. 1.Carry Yoki’s Lounge consists of the following. Carry, the owner believed that people would come to hear a band play on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening. During the remainder of the week, she believed her customers would watch sporting events on several television sets located throughout the lounge. Carry employed two bartenders, three servers, two assistant servers, two cooks, one dishwasher and a clean-up person. She had a bar, 15 barstools, 4 tables, 40 chairs, 4 television sets, and one satellite dish. She had an oven, stove, grill, refrigerator, sinks, dishes, and glassware. Carry started this business with $50,000 of her own money, and she borrowed $150,000 from the bank. From this description, list each of the scarce resources that are used in Carry Yoki’s Lounge. 2.Joe Fixit has an appliance repair business. He has more business than he can handle and wants to hire another repair person. Joe estimates that three appliances can be repaired each hour by a qualified person. Joe bills out labor at $45 per hour, but he stipulates that the minimum charge for appliance repair estimates is $30 plus parts. What is the marginal revenue product of a qualified repair person? What is the maximum hourly wage that he would pay an employee? 3.Sam Smith is currently employed as a mechanical engineer and is paid $65,000 per year plus benefits that are equal to 30% of his salary. Sam wants to begin a consulting firm and decides to leave his current job. After his first year in business, Sam’s accountant informed him that he had made $45,000 with his consulting business. Sam also notices that he paid $6,000 for a health insurance policy, which was his total benefit during his first year. What was Sam’s opportunity cost? 4.Sara Lee just graduated from college with a degree in accounting. She had five job offers: Bean Counters CPA, $35,000; Assets R Us, $27,000; The Debit Store, $30,000; J & J’s CPA’s, $33,000; and The Double Entry Shop, $40,000. What was her opportunity cost if she accepted the job with The Double Entry Shop? 5.Sam Club earned $50,000 and paid taxes of $10,000. Samantha Heart earned $60,000 and paid taxes of $12,000. If these taxes were paid to the same government agency, is the tax on income progressive, regressive, or proportional? Why did you reach this conclusion? 6.You read an article in this morning’s paper that stated inflation was accelerating and would reach six percent this year. If the FED believes this statement and it has set a goal of three percent inflation, what will it likely do at the next meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee? 7.A friend came into your office and said that his bank was out to kill small businesses. You asked him what he meant by this remark, and he said that he read an article that said his bank had just loaned $10 million to a major automobile manufacturer at a rate of 3 percent, which is less than prime. But your friend just borrowed $50,000 from the same bank and they charged him prime plus four percent, or 7.5 percent. Your friend has been in business for two years, and last year he had a loss of $2,000. How can you explain this difference in interest rate to your friend? Carol Jones wanted her business to increase sales by 50 percent over the next five years. To do this, she must hire three more people. She wanted to determine how to evaluate these people, so she lists their job specifications and develops job descriptions. She also listed where these employees would work and what training they would require. What management functions is Carol performing, and how do they apply to this scenario? Carol is performing the management function of planning because she wants to increase sales by 50% over the next five years. Specifically she is determining her strategic goals and beginning a long-range plan. She is also performing the management function of staffing because she is about to hire three more people, to evaluate them, and train them. Carol is also performing the management function of control when she develops the standards for evaluating her personnel. Jerry is a personnel manager for a large retail department store. He just received a memo stating that the company will build three new stores in Phoenix over the next five years, with one store opening in 24 months, one opening in 36 months, and one opening in 60 months. The memo that Jerry received relates to what type of business plan? The memo that Jerry received relates to the strategic overall plan for his company. If Jerry is directed to develop a personnel plan for Phoenix, what type of planning will Jerry be doing? When Jerry develops a personnel plan he will be working on a functional plan (personnel) designed to support the strategic plan. Joe Doe just started a business. He wants the business income to flow directly to his own personal tax return, but he wants to make sure that he has limited liability. What form(s) of business ownership would you recommend for Joe? Recommend either a Subchapter S corporation or a Limited Liability Company. You buy 1,000 shares of ABC Company at $6 per share. The company is sued for millions of dolla rs, and ABC Co. is forced into bankruptcy. The newspaper stated that the cost of this suit would amount to $12 per share of stock. What is the maximum amount of money you can lose with this investment? Why? You can only lose $6,000 ($6 per share times the 1,000 shares). Since this is your investment in the corporation it is also your total liability. The price of $12 reported in the paper is irrelevant in this situation. Sam Jones, Mary Adams, and Larry Brown have been talking about starting their own business for several years. Sam is an electronic repairman, Mary is a partner in a large law firm, and Larry is an excellent sales person. Sam and Larry will work in the business on an equal basis. It will cost $100,000 to start this business. Sam has no money, Mary has $60,000 and Larry has $40,000. If they form a partnership, how would you recommend that they organize? You should recommend a limited partnership with Mary as the limited partner. Sam and Larry would be general partners and would each be paid a salary. The profits that accrue to the partnership after all expenses are paid would be divided with sixty percent going to Mary and forty percent going to Larry if share of profits were only based on financial contribution. The actual division o f the profits would be based on a partnership agreement because Sam would not want to have unlimited liability and no share of the profits. This business could also be formed as an LLC; then none of them would have unlimited liability, but would Mary agree to this since she is putting up most of the financial capital? This problem was inserted to stimulate discussion. Barry McGuire wants to purchase a dry-cleaning establishment. Barry has heard of the SWOT analysis and wants to use this methodology to determine whether he should purchase the business. He found the following information: The dry cleaner is located in a busy shopping center and currently does all the cleaning on the premises. It has three commercial accounts that comprise 20 percent of its business. The population in the local area is growing by approximately 6 percent per year. Located across the street in another shopping center is a price-cutting dry cleaner that advertises heavily in the local area. With the exception of this shopping center and the property across the street, all property in this area is zoned residential. Most of the residents in this area are professional people who wear suits to work. The shop has an assumable lease, and the lease has a fixed rental fee for the next five years. Barry has had five years of experience in the dry-cleaning business, and would run the shop full time. Based on this information, perform a SWOT analysis. Strengths include the fact that Barry has five years of experience, dry cleaning business is already established, assumable lease, and fixed rent for next five years, commercial accounts for 20% of business. Weakness, none listed. Opportunities include fact that business is located in a busy shopping center, population is growing at 6% a year, residential area with residents being professional and wearing suits to work, no new competition because of favorable zoning. Threats include competition from price cutting business across the street. Joe Latte wants to open up a coffee and gelato shop. He figures with the popularity of coffee shops and Italian ice cream shops that a combination business will be a clear winner. Write a two page paper describing the following elements of a business plan: description of the business, factors affecting location, and product or service to be offered. This should be graded based on the rigor of the class and how much is assigned by the instructor for outside research. We recommend team discussion and specifics with regard to these items. 8 Joe Latte has completed a business plan and determined that it will take $120,000 to open the coffee and gelato shop. He has $30,000 of his own money and will have to obtain $90,000 in loans or grants. How should Joe go about getting financing? What is the probability that he can obtain a grant to start an Italian ice cream shop? Joe’s first step should be to complete a business plan and contact the local Small Business Association (SBA) and SCORE office to determine what financing is available. He should also check with local and state agencies for small business assistance. Depending on his credit rating and bank standing he can also contact local banks and financial institutions and shop for the best loan and interest rates. Chances of obtaining a grant for this type of business are very slim.
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